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Here's another from past "Rumor Mills:"

John Dennison, shortly after his appointment to CEO of ATA, was on the JS with a captain I know telling him that, eventually SWA is gonna buy ATA.

Yet another:

When Mattlin-Patterson, ne New ATA Holdings, was in the negotiations to buy World Holdings and put us all under the Global Aero Logistics umbrella, the "General" on the World BOD told one of our union leadership that it was made easier because "The Herb" was involved.

I have more. Which was why I didn't bail on ATA, when I probably should have.

Advice? Don't believe it until you see it in writing. Then be suspicious. ;)
As my soon to be collegue whataburger so correctly points out management types when asked questions or volunteer information like to speak in code. Usually it is nonsense but there is usually a small amount of fact behind the nonsense. If you learn to interpret the code, you can actually walk away with a small semblance of the truth. The date that we have all been hearing for the merger closing is March 31, 2011. That's the end of the first quarter, so interpret the code and you come up with - sometime in the first quarter. I don't think that all the reviews/shareholder votes will be done by Jan 2011 but mid to late Feb.. eh.. maybe..

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