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Netjets Santa Claus?

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JBL, it's a wholly owned subsidiary! The whole friggin' company was laughing when they found out you had quit. What are you gonna do for a job when the mother ship lays its final egg. Go work in a steel mill?
Hey Hawkered,

Who exactly is the "whole company"? Is it you and the other "A" teamers who are just happy to be flying a jet..... or was it BB, Santulli....?

Enlighten us, please.
Well you haven't heard?

"In the Airbus", stories? Yep, he's the one. Thinks JetBlue owes him a job because he flew one at the N-TITANIC.
Hey Lr 55, where's that shot taken from, the one on your avitar? Are you in there anywhere?
Hawkered said:
Hey Lr 55, where's that shot taken from, the one on your avitar? Are you in there anywhere?
Thats my surfer bro gett'n alittle time in the "Green Room!"
"Well you haven't heard?

"In the Airbus", stories? Yep, he's the one. Thinks JetBlue owes him a job because he flew one at the N-TITANIC."

WOW.. No idea who you are, and I assure you I don't think I'm entitled to anything other than waking up tomorrow...even that is open for debate. True, I found it frustrating that JB wouldn't consider an Airbus type and time in type more important, but that's life. As for the entire company laughing when I quit, I'm amazed that many people actually care what I do each day.

Yes, I did talk a lot about my USAirways days to those I flew with. Not to gloat, but to impress upon my co-workers that there IS a better lifestyle out there for the taking. If you'll remember, I was very active on the NJ message board before I left. I was trying to convince those who had never experienced better that they are worth more than they know. Pull up my posts, call Slim or the other Capt's I flew with...they'll tell you. The pilots at NJ are top notch. I've played in all levels of aviation and I can assure you that the NJ guys earn MORE than they make every day.

I can't understand the animosity towards me by you, Mr Hawkered. If you're who I think you are, then nobody likes you anyway and you have done more to hurt yourself than anyone else could do. If you have a beef with me, lay it out. My name is known to you obviously, reciprocate in kind and let's clear the air. I've already received several U2U's about you and your attacks on me. I have a life outside of aviation..if you don't believe me, check my posting history. I haven't been here in a long time. I'm not gonna try and track you down...if you have a beef with me, U2U me and let's clear the air.

To the NJ pilots out there...I was thrilled that you overwhelmingly rejected the TA. You guys deserve much better. Do NOT lose sight of your value and settle for anything less than what you deserve.

To Hawkered, what would you do if your wife said to you "NetJets or us"? That's exactly what I got. Unlike you, airplanes are NOT more important to me than my wife and kids. Yes I went back to an airline tied to a failing major, but I don't regret that decision one bit. If I end up working for Home Depot selling lumber and still have my family, I still win. I do not hide the fact I found NetJets an utter disappointment from a scheduling/lifestyle standpoint. That company has the right idea, but the wrong approach and is capable of so much more.

Good luck Hawkered. If you wanna step up, U2U me and we'll straighten this out.
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Hey Dude,

I'll let it go now. You said it yourself, there's more to life than flying airplanes and you and I both agree on that one.

Also, you started with the trash talk about the company that supports my livelihood. Man, it took a few posts to make you mad, but you finally admitted you weren't up to the task.

Couldn't you have at least waited for five more months? How is that going to look on your resume?

I do congratulate you on choosing your family over your career. I had no idea that things were that tense at home. I also chose family first, which is why I'm at Netjets.

As for personal assumptions about who I am..really, who cares. You came on a public message board which is viewed by other industry hopefuls and investors alike. I have every right to defend the livelihoods of more than 5,000 people that make up the Netjets family!
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I have no idea what U2U is either, but if its anything about an Irish Band, I'll drink to that!

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