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Netjets new 91K rules are demeaning...

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In theory what you say is correct...However they have us showing up and sitting stby in locations that aren't even open for business....How many aviation careers do you know of that require you to sit in your car for hours on end???

Per diem only starts if they assign you something after your show time....Anyone who lives within 50miles of their gateway will not get per diem or a hotel if they aren't used during the 14 hour duty day...

2300-0400 start and limits are not a bad thing...They are good but it wont help the company's future bottom line...

Negotiations start again this week so I'm sure there will be some meaty subjects thrown about...
ghostrider64 said:

In theory what you say is correct...However they have us showing up and sitting stby in locations that aren't even open for business....How many aviation careers do you know of that require you to sit in your car for hours on end???

None, and you're right, that's ridiculous. You need to get together and inform the company that if you're on duty you expect to be in one of three places; A cockpit, a crew lounge, or your own living/hotel room waiting for your phone to ring. Your car doesn't qualify as any of those three. Let them know that you don't make your car payments just so they can benefit by using it as an airport camper.
Yes NetJets has decided in the fasion we know and love to have everyone on duty 14 hours now. They wont release anyone to go home early. The contract violations are out the window, so many a day I cant count. NetJets according to some in management are short some 600 pilots because of 91K. They did not hire enough and now massive panic mode.

The heat is gettting turned up and the labor battle is getting ugly. The next 4 months will decide the future of NetJets. Our labor war is no different then anyone else that has fought hard for a fair contract. UAL AA NW Comair It does not matter were all pilots wanting a fair wage for what we do.

NetJets management must have watched the comair strike because this road takes a turn more that way every day. This by far is the most mis-managed company I have ever seen. 91K is just another sad example for NetJets on what not to do. Lets not roll the new rules out 6 months ahead to work out the bugs. Instead lets come out with memo after memo 10 days before Feb 17th.
FLOPS had us showing up early to sit stby at the FBO. I think it lasted 5 days. If I had to wait 6 hrs at the FBO to do a flight I would just have it in the warm hangar and show up in clothes I can get dirty. I then take my sweet time pre-flighting with pen and paper crawling around on the floor and plane. After a couple of hours of this and a stack of squawks. The trips were chartered or covered by another plane and I was back in the hotel by the original departure time with a clean ironed uniform. Silly ideas have silly solutions! At least they weren't sucking the per diem out of us. I am sure if they could find a way to account for it they would...135 over here shoul dbe fun! I cant believe they are FED-EXing trip charts for all trip for 5 days.. Were we not just crying about wasted money..I will keep these fedex charts next to the printed ones and file them with my new wx synopsis.
I thought all the Fracs were going to use 135 rules instead of 91k so they can do the marques program and stuff like that where people buy a block time. My understanding by reading the adds that this is operated under 135 regs. So are they really going to 91k or 135?
Just like my company, they will be operating under both 91k and 135, it depends upon each individual trip.

I'm a bit confused though, 91k seems more restrictive with regard to the duty day than before, so what's with the change at NJA? The definition of duty now covers those hours on "call" rather than counting that time as rest as you could under 135, so is NJA pissed that you're now on duty no matter if there's a flight? Is this their punishment to you? WTF? As I understand it Buffet is one of the major backers of 91k, mostly for the changes in on the road maintenance rules.
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That's not correct depending upon the "on call" definition. As an example, I have a soft callout Mon-Thurs until 6pm. Report time is 2-3hrs, but usually longer. This time is considered rest, and the FSDO along with our POI are in agreement. Rest time is not defined specifically in pt 135. In 91k (91.1057) the regs actually define reserve,rest,duty etc. As of the 17th, under 91k, my weekdays are duty.

I agree that in principal on call is duty, but such as the way of the world...if it's not defined.
We just had a meeting with some big aircraft owners who are looking to have aircraft managed. One of the big things that they have with EJM and other are the crew charges and crew changes during trips to meet the required days off.

They do not want to be dealing with this. End of customer.

You may well end up with a great contract on an aircraft that does not exist.

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