What is the typical amount of time off between Indoc and Sim Training right now? Linda mentioned you will have anywhere from 5 - 30 days off between the two. She mentioned it all depends on the plane you get and sim availability. I'm just curious what people are currently seeing.
For me it was 17 days and I knew going into it that it would be that long because Linda told me when she made the offer. I had indoc April 7th-April 18th and then went back to sim training from May 3rd to May 25th and have been off ever since. Leave tommorow for my 3 takeoffs and landings in the X (they only do this in the X fleet now, everyone else goes from sim training to IOE). Enjoy the time off while it lasts!
For me it was 18 days between Basic Indoc and the sim.. Linda also told me the dates ahead of time for my Basic Indoc and Sim Training. After sim training I had about a week off before going back to Columbus to complete my 3 landings in the Hawker 800.
IOE...well...that's another story. About 2.5 months start to finish. I think IOE Captain availability had something to do with it.
Three weeks for me. Indoc 4/28 thru 5/9 and currently in Sovereign school (started 6/1). Varies by fleet. Sim availability seems to be the driving force. As stated above, Linda had both dates when she called. Rumor only, some fleets are short of IOE Captains. This makes that a big variable. You get payed from 0800 on the first day of Indoc so enjoy the time off.
Thanks for the info. About a month ago or so they stopped assigning aircraft during the "your hired" calls. That means we only find out the indoc dates at that time and will have to wait until indoc to find out the rest. Linda did indicate that the off time between indoc and sims may start to shorten because of this delay in aircraft assignment. Basically it gives them more time to get their ducks in a row and get people started quickly. On the other hand, the more people they hire the more backed up they will be in training so who knows.
I agree with each of you though -- I'm looking forward to any time off. I'm not in any rush...just wondering what I should realistically expect.
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