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NetJets Hiring News

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Dec 7, 2003

I have been reading this site for about a year and have never posted anything because I didn’t have anything to say. But now I have some information that maybe others can use in planning.

But first, my background. I interviewed at NetJets August 2002, was offered a job starting directly after I left the service, June 2003. In March I received a class date for June, paperwork and all the early training study guides to help prepare. In April 2003 I received a letter and phone call from the hiring department stating that due to a slow down they would not be able to bring me on until December/January. I was told there were a total of nine guys who were hired but could not be brought on at this time and that we would be the first group of people to be brought on as soon as classes were available. The “nine” of us consisted of 2 Excels, 2 Falcons, and 5 whom I don’t remember their aircraft. I was also given a very sincere apology for being “hired” but not being brought on to work, as NetJets does not have a hiring pool, they only hire if they can bring people on.

So patiently I waited and called the hiring department about every two months to check in, and in the meantime I have been working for a Regional. Each time I was told the same thing, probably January, maybe December, and “no we have not forgotten about you”.

Last week I received a letter stating that due to slow economic recovery I could NOT plan on being hired in January, but most likely would be brought on early in 2005, and would still be in the first group of people to be brought on when the timing was right. I was bummed and called my contact in the hiring department and was told that it was true, I should count on 2005. In my conversation I found out that NetJets IS over strength by about 200 pilots, and that they are losing about six pilots a month to other companies. With those losses plus the new order of jets it would be about a year before the 200 over strength situation was corrected. Again they were very apologetic and stressed that I still had a job and would be the first to be brought on board when hiring resumes, quite possibly not in the aircraft I was hired in (Excel), but maybe something else. And if the situation changes, they hope to bring me on earlier.

So I just thought this might be some information you could use.

BTW – Throughout this whole process NetJets has been nothing but first class with me, always being polite to me and encouraging no matter how many times I called with the same question “Is it time, is it time?”. I am very much looking forward to working at NetJets as I think it is a place I want to make a career, based on ALL of the posts I have read over the last year. Look forward to working with Deisel, WileE, Gunfyter and the rest of you.

If you happen to be one of the “nine” in my situation please drop me a private email as I would like to chat with you.
hanging in there...

hello jato,

just read your letter, we'll who knows what will happen. it's just a waiting game for now. i'd say enjoy what your doing now and relax till they contact you for your class date.

you may have read my letter i posted about a week ago. i did recieve an application from bridgeway.
no mention of hiring, only informed me of being processed and in the computer. i'm just happy to be in the data base for now.


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Not to add fuel to the fire but now we are hearing 400 this year. So who really knows.

Hope you can get here soon. Don't let the bitching on this board get you down. It's very easy to complain. It's harder to praise a company.
JATO, I'm also one of the 9 pilots who received the letter. I was hired approx 18 months ago but was on active duty and was stop-lossed after 911. You mentioned your email but I didn't see it on the post. I'd be happy to discuss this gouge with you. Also, I concur with DIESEL.........disregard the whinning and things will happen.
Hang in there. We have heard the same thing about not hiring. One thing to think about is that if you started class today you would be on FO pay for awhile. Right now we have about 60 pilots on FO pay out of 1800 total. The rest are on Captain pay. Since there have been no significant upgrades in over a year these 60 have been unable to get a raise. It sounds like you are first in line for new hires. If you came here tomorrow you'd be number 61 on FO pay. If thing work out right, the contract will go through, they will resume upgrades and hiring and you will be sitting here in INDOC getting paid what you deserve.
I don't see how they can't hire any pilots next year. Demo flights have resumed once again, even in the Ultra. It won't be long Vince, get a head start on 135 regs, they may be going straight 135 vs. 91K in 2005.
Who is gonna fill all those slots?

Probably all of the Flight Options Pilots who will become part of NetJets when this huge deal is announced.
Live, you are dreaming, read our IBT board, all the big guys say it isnt going to happen. Where specificaly are you getting this idea except by rumor and inuendo??????????
Why would an Options guy wanna come work for us, they will have to take a pay cut. Is that even possible...?
I agree with Gunfyter, i think we will have to hire some this year. Even in the G200 we are just starting reach ideal staffing levels with the lastest delivery, but we will be getting i think 9 new 200's next year.
Who knows, its all above my pay level.

Anyone waiting, hang in there.

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