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netjet info

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Active member
Oct 11, 2004
Would someone please post some general info about netjets.
Pay, Bennies, Schedule, Quality of life, Upgrade.
Do a search. It's been hashed hashed and rehashed.
TZFO--Just from what I've gleaned from this board the FO pay is low(upper $20's) and upgrade time will be fairly long. The proposed bennies in the recently defeated were not very good.

Apply if you don't think you will have a job at ATA and see what the new(revised contract) will bring.

Good luck.TC

For starters, check out airlinepilotpay.com and look under Netjets. That will give you a pretty good idea about pay. Yes, the pay is quite low for newhires but a new TA will hopefully rectify that eventually. Check it out. Nice airplanes, nice variety, crap pay for newhires with potential improvement ahead.
I have a question about the domiciles/gateway cities. How far away can you live from one of the gateway cities? What are the current gateway cities (I know some of them)? And what are the proposed rules under the new TA?

I know BDL is a gateway city, and I have heard it is two hours. What standard is used? For instance, Mapquest says live two hours and fourteen minutes from BDL, would that be a problem?

Thanks for the info.
From my perspective---

TZFO, my husband is an FO, makes around 28K and still hasn't upgraded to PIC after almost 2 yrs. Insurance benefits are fine; the company plan being better than the union one. He enjoys the flying because of the variety and getting paired w/a Capt during a tour. We expect the contract to improve, but he will leave if it doesn't. I hope that helps. Good luck.

NEDude--the whole issue of where you live and where you show up for work is rather involved and is all being looked at by both the company and the pilots. The next TA--last one was defeated by 82%--should address the subject. The pilots are not in favor of the company's proposal, which was just one of the many reasons that they voted NO. I doubt the present system will remain unchanged. So the answer to your standards question, unfortunately, is that we are all going to have to "wait and see". Join the crowd...:(
Netjets wife your husband should be on captain bypass pay.

All you have to do is be within 100 miles and 3 hrs of midnight of your first duty day.

Some people who live really far away get hotels at the 100 mile mark.

Don't listen to what might or might not happen with the TA. We are currently working under these rules and to avoid dissapointment ask yourself if you can work under the current rules and pay.

NE dude that doesn't sound like a problem. Mapquest tends to err on the safe driving speed. Just remember when your at home they are going to call you to say we need you at the airport in 3hrs ready to go.

Well you still have 2hrs on top of that to catch your airline.

Or an hour before your flight happens if your flying a plane out of BDL.

Never really a big deal.
It won't be long now.

Diesel, he is one of the 117 that will get bypass pay because of the self-help move the pilots did on behalf of the FOs. That won't start until early Dec, we're told. But it will make for a much merrier Christmas for those families, I'm sure. Again, thanks to everyone for their help in the endeavor. The show of concern and unity is every bit as important as the money, and was seen as a victory for the whole group at a time that we badly needed something to smile about.

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