I was in your spot several years ago, and got the same advice, basically from the same people "avbug ". Your best bet, go find a job teaching, get your MEI and get as much multi time as you can, and then get some more.
Build your contacts up, keep in touch and sooner or later, you'll get lucky and land a right seat job in something turbine.
Dont fall for the sitting right seat and never touching the controls is experience bit. You need to be in the left seat on all 91 legs, and if you cant get there, go back to instructing until you can.
Flying skydivers helps with the time, but honestly, doesnt build the experience that flight instructing does.
If you want to be a pilot, this is what you are going to have to do, it is what it is.
Thanks for the all the help and support, from those of you that know what I'm going through. Oh, sorry but I'm not the young kid some of you have suggested. I am actually in my mid fourties, which may explain why I'm not so uptight about not getting top pay for a entry level position. I was brought up when you started out at the bottom and worked your way up, it wasn't about how much you made, but instead that you did a job well, it was the end of the era when most people worked for one company until retirement and the companies took care for their employees. In my recent work experience, it seems that the younger generation has a much different work ethic. As for the CFI thing, I would have liked to have done that, I completed all the ground work in college for CFI, CFII and MEI and even did alot of flight lessons torwards getting my CFI. I didn't have any problems with the flying portion, I just wasn't good at talking through the lessons while flying, so we decide maybe instructing wasn't right for me at the time.
Good luck man. I just lost my job 2 days ago. Laid off from flying a Westwind. 4,000 hours, 2500 ME 1,100 jet PIC, 2 type ratings, no job. It sucks out there man. I'm looking for something too, but the pickins are slim. My company (small 135 outfit) parked an airplane and laid 2 of us off, and I was the low man on the totem pole. I had flown about 202 hours this year so the writing was on the wall. It's really dead out there.
Avbug is your typical snotty nosed "I've been there and done it all" type that really is like most with that attitude. Very little real world experience and alot of chest beating accolades who doesn't give a second thought to tarnish the reputations of true professionals in this industry by spewing heartfelt discontentment.
The question was not complicated, but the answerback causes shame and reproach to an industry already beseeched by such behavior.
Go North, to Alaska. At least that what the song says. Worked for me. Don't stay too long. Same as the African poster, show up and shake a hand, you'll move to the front of the line. And you probably won't get shot at. Well, as much, anyway.
Hags/Frontier/Era, they were all hiring recently. It'd be a bitch to start up in the winter, but I did it. If I can pull it off.... you got no excuse.
Regionals are starting to hire again. Skywest/Commutair/??
Good luck. Remember when you're old and grumpy what it was like to start out. By then I hope to be over my aviation addiction, and find a real career to pursue! Flying is best left as a hobby.
Avbug, you suck. Keep looking Scott. Try El paso, TX. On demand cargo guys, cherry air, sierra west, ect...good luck and don't listen to people like avbug. Their misery is aimed to bring u down with them. Trust me u will meet a lot of av-bug's in this business
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