How do military planes navigation systems differs from those of civial aircraft - other than the different types of 'radar' they used relative to the GPS ?
Compasses they used, do they follow the point to the True North or the (North)where magnetic fields are the most concentrated??
Is there a formula to convert Mag. Flds North to True North? For civil/transportation aircraft(uses Mag Flds North), i heard they just need to press a button to convert it to True North.
If there's is some problems with the panel on the aircraft such that it does not help you 'navigate', how would you navigate then? -celestrial naviagation-? Pilot's i've come across and spoke to doesn't seems clear of celestrial navigation or it's just my luck.
Compasses they used, do they follow the point to the True North or the (North)where magnetic fields are the most concentrated??
Is there a formula to convert Mag. Flds North to True North? For civil/transportation aircraft(uses Mag Flds North), i heard they just need to press a button to convert it to True North.
If there's is some problems with the panel on the aircraft such that it does not help you 'navigate', how would you navigate then? -celestrial naviagation-? Pilot's i've come across and spoke to doesn't seems clear of celestrial navigation or it's just my luck.