Anybody know of ANY turbo-prop or turbine jobs for a 2300 hour (700 ME) . I've done the freight dog thing and am ready for a change. Willing to relocate, as necessary.
I dont know if Eastern will be doing any hiring. They just lost the contract for Boston Med Flight so they'll have to do something with that crew and jet. Thier cheyenne never flies anymore and rumor has it they're under the microscope.
I'm assuming you were being sarcastic. I wont be in return but I will say that I am right. I know they have lost the contract to fly for MedFlight, that ends at the end of April. Another company is taking it over as of May 1st, I wont say the name of it here.
Adolph, Sorry I didn't be exactly specific in my profile. I dont really care to sit and list every plane I've flown... but if you want a specific list of singles I'd be happy to PM you. I didn't know this thread was about how our profiles read.
Jumper, I never answered as to the name of the company so "thats what I thought" is really up to you. Even if the name is Whats your point?
Anyway, if they're hiring several pilots its probably cuz several pilots are jumping ship. They've probably seen the writing on the wall. And thats without even knowing much about the company, thats what I would think about anyone posting something like that. I'd be hard pressed to believe that anyone is expanding that much, that quickly in the Citation market up here in New England.
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