Apply for the card ASAP to make sure you get it before you have to pay the hotel bill. Just so you know, not everyone gets a Hilton property during training. I had the Staybridge Suites (Priority) for Sim, the Embassy (HH) for basin indoc, and the Hyatt for airplane training. The diamond status has nothing to do with the credit card itself. Go to the Hilton Honors website and sign up online. Then call them up and tell them you are with NetJets to get the diamond upgrade. For me they just did it right away. For some they said they didn't do it anymore and those guys needed a little union help to make it happen. You don't really need to worry about getting to diamond until you check out- and make sure they have your HH and airline information (for the double dip) before you are all done checking out. Also make sure to to do all the "my way" stuff on the HH site and also it works best to sign up for the extra points at all the properties. The site says this will remove your free breakfast and waters, but NJ automatically gets free breakfasts and they usually forget and give you all the other stuff anyway, along with the extra points.