Well I pretty much anticipated this war breaking out, however I was hoping somebody who'd DONE the program would chime in, either on the board or in a private message to tell me their experiences.
There is a big difference between PFJ (which I do NOT support) and this. A PFJ program takes away a job from somebody, such as Gulfstream or Key Lime Air.
This program however, isn't offering the job to anybody. I should also mention that they told me you fly left-seat, fwiw.
However, this would be PFJ if they advertised the position for hire but when no one was around to do so, allowed people to pay for the position.
That's not the case here. They're not offering any jobs to anyone. They are offering 100 hours of twin-time for cheap, getting what they want out of it (extra ca$h and another pilot onboard) and you're getting what you want (quality twin time for CHEAP) And it IS quality - it's not drilling holes in the sky aimlessly watching the Hobbs meter tick away - you're doing quality flying with a purpose.
It's a win-win-win situation. You win, cuz you get 100 hours of twintime at a great rate and advance your career ambitions, and they win, cuz they make some money and keep their business going.
EVERYONE on these forums are so pro-"CFI is the only way to go unless you're military" it's SICK> One day you guys will realize not all people can or want to go the same route.
I figured this response would happen but was still hoping somebody would have done the program and would give some details.. But i AM glad that there are people out there, and in here, who do agree with me
Tell you what, you might try PMing a guy that posts on here (or used to) that goes by LSU fan. He actually was flying for these guys (not through the time building program, but was an employed pilot with them) and can probably give you better info than anyone here. If you cant get a response by PM, PM me and I"ll give you his number. I'm sure he wouldnt mind giving you some REAL information about this program.