It isn't that hard of a project. Contact the publications department at Beechcraft and ask if an O&M Procedures manual has been developed for your model. It probably has, then download the mmel from Send a letter to the FSDO asking for a LOA to use the mmel as the mel. Include the serial number and N-number in the letter. This in pretty routine stuff for the Feds. After you get your LOA the nice people at the FAA will send you a post card when a new revision to your mmel is available. If it is a letter revision (going from 4a to 4b,for example)you are not obligated to adopt it, if it is a number revision (4c to5a) you have to revise your mmel. There are people that will do this for a price, but all they are doing is what I said above and retyping it on pretty letter-head.