The Air Inc information was quite accurate. First year pay is about $32K, with a jump to approx. $48K for second year pay. Healthcare begins on the first day of employment; 401K after 90 days/plus first day of the month.
FYI: There are almost 70 pilots still out on furlough, no plans for recall (yet), and doesn't look like any hiring in the near future.
If you heard any hiring rumors, please let those of us on furlough know!!
I actually know a few people at Midex from Flight Managers
to Check Airman, they brought back 5 more only 65 are out.
The 717's are coming on the line Feb '03,
I was told that everybody should be back by end of Feb '03.
If I hear more I let you know!
Midwest (Express) Airlines is recalling 12 more pilots...according to the Pilot Union. A bid was put out that will require 12 more recalls. So things seem to be improving slowly.
Also, Midwest is expected to be one of 3 airlines to be profitable for the 2nd Quarter (also profitable should be SWA and Jet Blue).
If you got hire today (which ain't happening) Your Hourly rates would be:
Year 1: 39.02 FO
Year 2: 54.73 FO
Year 3: 59.24 FO
Year 5: 66.67 FO
Year 5: 97.87 PIC
Year 8: 111.56 PIC
Year 14: 135.64 PIC
There is a 3% raise every year for cost of living (not included above) Reserve is 75 Hours Guarantee, when you get a line probally do about 1000 hours per year of pay. 401k has no matching since 9/11. All aircraft (incl 717) pay the same.
Wouldn't expect any hiring until mid to late 2003 at the soonest!
Thanks for the reply!
I heard the 401k (company mathing) plan was frozen since
Besides the 401k, Do they have any other retirememnt plan?
Other than the 401k there is a pension plan. Honestly, I didn't pay all that much attention to it, so I couldn't tell you a whole lot about it. I know it was 100% company funded and still is since it is required by contract. From what I saw, it seemed decent, but I heard some complaints from the older guys getting closer to retirement. It's nothing like a UAL or AA retirement, but it seems pretty good. MidEx is not a commuter but it's also not a major. The money, schedule, retirement and benefits are pretty darn good....much better than a regional, but it isn't like the majors. A 14+ year captain can make $135-160k per year, depending on the schedule he picks....enough to get by (lol). Still kinda a family atmosphere, after a while you get to know everyone. There is only 350 pilots. I have been out since November on furlough, but I don't think the mentality has changed since then.
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