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Michelle Burns Again...

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405 said:
Yet another corporate leech who thinks they have landed in the big time. It would be awesome of these self-absorbed pricks would go commit suicide and do the corporate world a favor.

She wants Delta to honor her contract while attempting to abrogate that of the pilots. Another fine example of sliding scale ethics.
crosscut said:
She wants Delta to honor her contract while attempting to abrogate that of the pilots. Another fine example of sliding scale ethics.

"Sliding-scale ethics"! I love it! But, seriously, isn't that a requirement to be a manager in the aviation biz?

405 said:
Yet another corporate leech who thinks they have landed in the big time. It would be awesome of these self-absorbed pricks would go commit suicide and do the corporate world a favor.

I was going to respond then I read your position description....
With such a bad reputation, how did she get a job anywhere else? Marsh is a big company - they must be in serious trouble to hire her....
Heavy Set said:
, how did she get a job anywhere else? ....

Certainly not for her corporate talent! Perhaps, M. Burns’ forte is in another field...

I can't stand the b*tch. She's totally apathetic to & could care less about ANYONE or ANYTHING at Delta and, certainly, at Marsh (just wait & see). Make her pay ALL legal fees for her frivolous claim. What can she possibly use in her defense of retaining the flight perks when the existing employees stand to lose much more?!
SWA/FO said:
uuugggghhhh! Sorry I asked. I'm sure her life partner thinks the world of her.

Thread Winner!!

Crosscut said:
She wants Delta to honor her contract while attempting to abrogate that of the pilots. Another fine example of sliding scale ethics.

A very close second.
Corporate raiders are sociopaths, she has no conscience, how do you think she got to where she is in the first place. If you guys see her on your airplane, make sure to piss in her coffee. Show her the same compasion she has shown you.
SWA/FO said:
Is she hot?

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. ROTFLAMO!!! Sorry man, but you've obviously never seen her mugshot. She's rather "manly" looking. And if you don't quite understanding what I mean......she's a, er, well......rhymes with bike.
Rez O. Lewshun said:
I was going to respond then I read your position description....

What would be wrong with what he/she said even if he/she wasn't bitter? I have fantasies of that myself.

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