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Mesaba's Latest

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Mesaba 2425 is an imposter and does not fly for Mesaba. He is probally a management type and will only engage in flamebait. To all that corresponds with him be wary of his lies.
Hyperboy (and mesaba2425)

If you only knew............

You envy my current job at Mesaba? The threat of being furloughed? The purchase of BigSky being used as a job threat? Being treated like garbage by management? Threatened "disciplinary action" if we don't fill out the MM1 logbook correctly?! Empty promises by management? lies after lies? The list goes on and it's all fact, not opinion.

I didn't ask for all this, but YOU did.... careful what you wish for, you just might get it

Tell MGT pukes to "communicate" to us at the negotiations table and get us a fair contract, and we'll talk to them at RGS... otherwise, I'll be the first one to boycott ANY management personnel speaking at RGS and walk out of the classroom. My attendance in RGS "listening to the CEO and VP of Flight Ops" is NOT required by the FOM, any XJ memo, or part of RGS syllabus.
And tell Spandex that he can buy me a burger and fries with all of the change he is shaking in his pants......
To T-handle and all the other straight shooters out there telling it like it is: THANKS!!!

That's why I read these boards, to get the gouge before I jump in the pool.

Hyperboy, I know flying is fun. I know an airline job is generally a good thing. However, I'd rather not waste precious time working for a company that is going to treat me like dog doo and not enable me to pursue my career goals. (zero upgrades, negative growth, etc.)

Good luck to everybody and Merry Christmas!
quote from hyperboy:

"Your complaining is hurting the dreams and hopes of others who every day strive and bust there ass to just get a shot at where your at."

Oh boo-hoo-hoo.............my heart bleeds for you......"hurting the dreams and hopes.."......wake up to the reality that is a career in aviation.

Instead of bashing these people who ARE there, maybe you should try and learn something that may open your eyes........
More negitive news out of Mesaba this afternoon. 12 more captian downgrades effective. JAN 9th. The # 2 is on fire and we can't put it out. Mesaba continue's to slide down hill.

You speak only "garbage" which is handed down from management. Since you claim not to be "management", you are probably in our training dept., which is sympathetic towards management. And if you're in the training dept. I have a good idea who you are..... "mxguy" or ex- shall I say. Tell your management bungholes that the only post 9/11 realities and sympathy we have are for the vicitim's families and friends. We were in a recession months before 9/11.

And what's the truth? The only truth is that XJ management is stalling at the negotiating table, they could care less about getting the pilots a decent contract is WAY over due and they are harrassing, threatening, and intimidating us. Why are you making it so obvious that you are just a tool, publicly harrassing us? Why?
This company is unbelievable! The last downgrade announcement was on a holiday also, Thanksgiving Day. Time to shut this place down.

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