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I don't think that we as current XJ pilots would ever look down upon any new hires. Heck, the more people below me, the better. The only thing is that we'd probably feel sorry for these pilots because it's kinda like jumping into the rapids without a canoe or lifevest. There is just so much uncertainty right now with our future. Are we getting CRJs? or are we not? Are the avros going to stick around or are they not? Are we getting rid of ALL our saabs? Probably not. There is just no definite growth plan for Xj right now, or at least one that is being shared with the employees. If they can't get everyone recalled then they'll have to hire. How do you sell a company though that is going on year 8 of its contract. Many FOs are topping out. Captains were being displaced to Fo as recently as a few months ago. The last delivery of a new plane was 3 years ago. We're going to start returning planes again to the leasing companies next year without any new deliveries forecasted. There are better places to go right now. But, life is a gamble. If you get on at XJ should we start hiring, we settle our contract and may start to grow again. If I had a crystal ball I certainly wouldn't be a struggling FO, that's for dam.n sure. I'd hate to see any new hire come on board only for us to go on strike. Or worse, a new hire come on board and in less than a year get furloughed. Just ask any of our pilots that were furloughed twice already. If we do more, that'll be 3 times for them! Do lots of thinking and research before you chose to come on board at XJ. One thing though, you'll enjoy the heck out of your colleagues as the people make this place tolerable right now.

get real

flyn96 said:
Dude jumping ship to Pinnacle after 3 yrs is pay cut. Even at its worst Mesaba's contract and quality of life is miles above 9E's contract. Also that quick upgrade at Pinnacle is no more and it will only get longer as they recieve the last of their CRJ's.

I'm a two year Captain with 16 days off in May, 14 in June, and gonna be 14 in July. Yes, fully commutable in DTW. What is wrong with my quality of life? Mesaba's contract miles above Pinnacle's contract? Get real. Back it up man.

Pay cut? Back that up too.

Like always ...when things are not going Mesaba's way some bone head always has to drag pinnacle into the picture. Every time. Never fails. Anywayyyyy....
Congrats on the 2 year upgrade. Our most junior furloughed pilot at Mesaba has more seniority than you. And yes, the Pinnacle contract is slightly less favorable than Mesaba's 1996 language, in all areas save maybe the hourly rate for new hires. But that is made back up in other sections. I have spoken to many ex Mesaba types that went to NWA only to be furloughed and then handed down to Pinnacle. They all say that the difference in jobs at Mesaba and Pinnacle is like night and day. So enjoy DTW. When your negotiations start, I'd be interested to hear how your plight is at 9E. Hopefully all of us at XJ can set a good stride for your negotiating comittee to follow. Best of luck.
Go to www.alpa.org to see info on lawsuit filed against company for bad faith bargaining and subversion of the union(the only real source of information and leadership, since our the new NWA appointed "senior leadership team" was put in...

Don't look for the group to cave at Mesaba...
Just want to let all Mesaba folks out there know that we (9E) are behind you all the way. What is happening to you will be happening to us in the coming years. Stick with it and we'll be with you to the end.... I know you are all standing strong together and I'm confident you will prevail. Keep it up and good luck to you all!
I second it from 9E in DTW.. You guy's bring me to work regulary and I appreciate it.

My only wish is that we at 9E get advances notice so we can walk the information lines with you.

Solidarity is what it is going to take, and for me... I only hope we can get "close" to Mesaba's contract when our comes due.

Our contract, pay, and management is MUCH worse than Mesaba'a.

This is all classic NWA tatics, we all know who is REALLY pulling the strings.

Hey, just wanted to say thanks to the 9E folks expresssing their support. We appreciate it, and it will be even more important in the future as activities escalate. I was very happy to be walking with a 9E pilot (and a FDX pilot) during our last info picketing in MEM. Thanks.

To our interested passenger, thank you for your support as well. The pilots at Mesaba are second to none, and every pilot I have had the pleasure of working with here has been the epitome of professionalism. We are committed to safety and an industry-leading operation. Our struggle for respect from our own management will not change that, we won't let it.

As far as Peoria, yes we still fly the SF-340 to/from MSP. I am not privy to the operational plan at NWA, but I would guess that the SF-340 will be around for a long time. There are some markets we serve that likely could not support a larger aircraft.

The best way to help our cause is to let NWA and Mesaba know how you feel. You can start with NWA at http://www.nwa.com/cgi-bin/gen_tvlcomplete.pl

Also straight to Mesaba via email at [email protected]

And our Parent Company (Mesaba Holdings) via email at [email protected] (this is to an outside company- Fleishman-Hillard, a communications consultant hired by Mesaba)

And finally to the President, CEO and Director of Mesaba Holdings, Paul Foley at [email protected], or [email protected].

Share your positive experiences onboard Mesaba, your current preference for flying with us, and that you may have to switch carriers if we stop flying. (Just a suggestion).

None of us can predict when a strike, or if a strike will occur at this point. Certainly the best outcome is for the pilots at Mesaba to get the contract we deserve without any service interruptions. At this point the two sides are far apart, with the company making regressionary proposals that only widen the divide. How much longer we sit at the table and work towards an agreement is in the hands of the National Mediation Board. Once they declare an impass a thirty day cooling off period begins and 'super negotiations' take place during those 30 days. If no agreement is reached by the deadline, then both sides are free to take action.

The end of the 30 day period does not automatically mean we strike at that point. Our Union leaders will make that decision when and if they need too. To be sure they will share this imformation with the media and the public.

They may also appeal to the public for specific help at that time, such as booking flights on our competitors rather than NWA and 9E (this is just an example and IN NO WAY represents what will happen, Nor does it represent an official position, opinon, plan or the feelings of ALPA, or MSA-ALPA, it is simply my opinon).

Thank you again for your support, both in our ongoing negotiations and for choosing to fly with Mesaba Airlines. We look forward to serving your travel needs well into the future.
PASSENGER - I was thinking how I could answer your post while I was on the trip I just finished. But CWAsaab took the words right out of my mouth. He/she couldn't have said it better and I whole heartedly agree.

Thanks for your consern, loyalty, and your interest.

I guess I'll leave the abbreviated version, which is to let our folks know that you support us. We don't want to be rich, just off of food stamps. A good relationship would be worth a lot!
Thanks for your help.
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