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Well-known member
May 21, 2003
Hey, I haven't heard anything in a while about what is going on over there. Does anybody have an idea? Good people over there I hope it works out.
Slapped in MSP - but heard and felt all around the system. That discribes the companies pay package proposal at the last session of negotiations. Here is is in a nutshell -

Capt pay raises = 1% FO = 5% (thanks for the $1.30 boys)

REDUCING the monthly guarantee from 75 to 70

NO perdiem on single duty periods (day trips and highspeeds)

REDUCING the min reserve day and training day from 3.75 to 3.5

No change in perdiem rates until year 3 of the contract and then it's only a freaking NICKEL. The next perdiem rate increase after that comes like 4 years later

7 year contract

There is some other BS proposed but it's hard to keep track. My head is still spinning from the insulting slap that they call their proposal.

Good faith baraganing? My a$$.

Things are just peachy in Mesabaland.... I love my job!

Come on you guys. I need more rumors than that. They stole my Alpa password about 2 seconds after I stopped paying dues. Help an old Mesaba Brotha out with some up to date info!!!

Good luck you guys...

Oakrbust - that $hit proposal isn't any rumor!! THat is the honest to god truth. That's what they proposed. The union proposed a 20% raise for capts and then FOs get 60% of that... there is a HUGE gap to be filled.

On top of the crap they're pulling at the bargaining table they're continuing to circumvent our contract. Like bringing furloughed pilots back without posting a vacancy. They finally did that, but after the furlough folks were recalled and in training I guess. They've canceled some July saab vacations while we have folks on furlough and folks downgraded.

Hope things are well at Southwest for you. Must be nice to be at a place where you're appreciated and respected.

Did I read correctly that starting pay for an F.O. is $17.51? And it jumps up to 19.50 after 6 months?

Does Mesaba still have people on furlough and if not do you know when they plan on starting up hiring again?

What is the general feeling of the pilot group at Mesaba?

Last but not least, how are the flight benefits?

Thanks in advance for all the responses.
Yes we at Mesaba still have people on furlough.

But that is ok, because we just cancelled about 60 Saab captains' vacations for the summer months.

The management at Mesaba is nothing but crooks who couldn't get jobs in the business sector outside of an industry that has unions behind its labor. If they had to actually make profits on their own brains and to motivate their employees, they would end up on the street broke and homeless.

Way to go Mesaba Management!!!! You have taken one of the best regionals in the world and turned it into Big Sky. What a joke. I can't wait to strike so I can go back to working cattle and earn an honest living.
I have a few friends at Mesaba who have bumped back to the Saab after flying the Avro for a few years - they are NOT HAPPY. Are many Mesaba guys jumping ship to Comair and Pinnacle? I would jump to Pinnacle (I think that is the name of the other Northwest CRJ feeder - right?) in a heartbeat given their tremendous growth and rather quick upgrade time... Is that happening - are Mesaba people leaving for greener pastures - if so, where are they going?

Good luck - sad to see a great airline like Mesaba in such a mess... What a crap deal for the pilots!
Dude jumping ship to Pinnacle after 3 yrs is pay cut. Even at its worst Mesaba's contract and quality of life is miles above 9E's contract. Also that quick upgrade at Pinnacle is no more and it will only get longer as they recieve the last of their CRJ's.

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