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Mesaba question

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2003
What is happening at Mesaba. Are the pilots going to get there new contract or do they feel a strike looming on the horizon. Being from the midwest I was always thinking of Mesaba as a good place for a 121 start. Now it seems they are spiraling around the drain. I understand that Pinnacle is picking up a lot of there ( or should be there planes) and some routes, but I can't imagine that Northwest woudl want Mesaba out since they still have such a controlling interest in Mesaba. Is there hope for these pilots and the pay scale. I understand they are pretty bad. Also, I heard that a lot of pilots are jumping ship to other airlines. With this all happening you would think this would make mgmt a little nervous and maybe try and buck up to the pilots and help them out. I would love to work for them but not in the condition they are in. My friend would love to get me in at Continental Express but who knows when hiring will start for them.
Any Mesaba pilots out there talk to me.
One more question. Let's say you are working for Mesaba and you get the Saab (pretty common I am sure) do any pilots switch to the RJ or does everyone just get the hell out of there and move on?
Thanks for any info.
Good luck to you Mesaba pilots and your contract. Foley......doesn't he have enough money?

Once upon a time Mesaba was a good place to work from what little I know. I was hired there in July 2001 with a class date of Oct.1 2001. Only one problem though 9/11. My class was cancelled but i remained in the pool until last week. I recieved a call from them on my machine. At first I thought great maybe they need some pilots since so many have been leaving. But then I realized with the state there in that it had to bee something else. Well two days later I got ahold of them and they wanted to confirm my address to send a certified letter to me and that they are recinding all offers of employment to all of us in the pool. I think there was about 20 of us or so. Got my letter yesterday. They said the earliest they could forsee any hiring would be late 2004.
Seems like a sinking ship, I wish all the best to those there and hope things turn around. Like you I am from the midwest and was really looking forward to mesaba. I have been sending resumes ever since spring 2002 and have yet to get an interview. I will keep plugging away though, Good luck to you.
The past few days i've been behind an Avro-RJ on the taxi here in MEM, and they've been going unreasionably slow. I'm wondering if thats intentional, or if they have a long taxi checklist to do, or takes a while to fire up the other 3 engines.

Not sure if this rings a bell but I have been talking with a Scott Lyndsey out there in there HR dept, my god like early 2001. I think he has moved on to bigger and better, but he said he wanted a res from me and I told him I was working on getting the required 75 hours in a three months since I was instructing and didnt' have my 135 job I do now. Also I was getting married in late summer and after the wedding I was set and ready to send it in. Then 9/11. Took me right out of the running right there. But on the lighter side I am sure I woudl of been furloughed if I had actaully gotten the job.
Good luck to ya and like you I am sending those resumes as well. Thanks for the info. I know now if they ever do hire it is going to be a long while before it happens.
I have two friends that fly (flew) for Mesaba. One started early 2001 and is 3 spots from the bottom. The other finished class in August 2001 and was furloughed about a month ago along with 100 other pilots. Things are looking dismal there. The acquisition of Big Sky didn't seem to help matters, either.:rolleyes:
Intentional?!? No way, we'd NEVER do that ;) The company wants us to operate by the book, so we are. We're not rushing, just taxiing in accordance with FARs, AIM and company manuals. What's the rush? Sorry, the Avro is a little chubby......

ALPA national just pledged $2 million in support of our contract negotiations. The sh!t is going down by the end of this year. We're just waiting patiently for the mediator to release us....... then we'll release the hounds!!!!!

We lose leverage every month (since summer of 2001 when PCL came back to MSP and DTW) when 2 CRJs/month arrive in Pinnacle colors and replace our Saabs. Northwest better hurry and mirror all of the Mesaba routes, otherwise they will still lose money and cities if we strike.

Look us up when we get a new contract unless Bigsky hasn't taken over by then. Don't get bent out of shape because we're the doghouse place to work. EVERY airline goes through this situation. I can name plenty of other regionals that were doghouses just a few years ago. Now they're the top places to work. It's a cycle. Just part of the "business".......
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The after-start and before- takeoff checklist isn't any longer than any other aircraft out flying. Also, we start all 4 engines during pushback from the gate prior to entering the taxiway. Was there someone ahead of the Avro, like a DC9 or an Airbus? Sometimes those guys taxi slow. But. don't jump to conclusions that we are in a work slow-down. The AIM says to taxi at a brisk walk, right?

The latest update on the negotiations is that it is a slow process. NWA continues to whipsaw Pinnacle and Mesaba against one another. That's ok, with the pilot group over here, the feeling is, is that they will lose in the long run. They have both NWA and Pinnacle opening contract talks late this year or early next. But our pilots remain strong and we will not be bullied around by management or anyone else. We are prepared to strike if we need to. AND we WILL.
That is what my friend told me at Cont. Exp. Great place to work now but give a few years and all of that could change. Def. a cycle that is why I don't want to count out Mesaba.
Did you start out in the Avro? Still trying to find out if you can transition if you stick around in there. I assume you can but I hate to use that word ASSUME.
I am crossing my fingers for you guys believe me.
Unleash Unleash!

I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it could help! :cool:
Hey isn't there a sub paragraph in the AIM after the....you should taxi at a brisk walk......unless you are flying cargo for a co. that doesn't care about you or the plane and only your cargo?
thought I read that somewhere or was it just the co. I work for saying that I can't remember.
Last spring Northwest went to the union and inquired about payscales because they were interested in assuming all the Avros ( staffing them with mainline pilots) and reconfiguring them for 100 seats. The union replied that DC-9 pay would be expected. Since then, I haven't seen or heard anything. Any new news on that?

Also, one of my friends started at Mesaba on the jet and is still on the jet. I know that 2 years ago, they were requiring 5000TT to upgrade to jet captain.

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