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Mesa to become non seniority based air

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The more I read about Mesa airlines the worse you all sound. My gosh is there an airline in the world that is less respected than Mesa? I realize that Mesa management is a bunch of loosers, but face it you all can't blame everything on the seniors. Not only does Mesa sh$$ on the whole small jet industry with your pay rates, you also form a scab airline, and then if that is not enough your management shi$s on it's own pilots by allowing upgrades out of senority! And you all agreeded to put that option in your new contract! Un real!

THANK YOU I think the same thing and seem to try and get it across all the time.

If you work for MESA arent you glad you voted YES ? What a bunch of little girls all you do is make up excuses. Hmm ten years on that contract good luck.......
the contract is 54 months. Also, the pay for the FO's first 36 months is 87% of what an ACA FO makes. Hardly selling out..

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