Ya like they got all the money back from another MEC chair.
I am not trying to defend either guy, but its two very different situations IMO.
The way I remember it being explained to me about the 1st guy that, while he was not being paid correctly according to other examples(i.e. charter captain), how he did get paid was signed off by the sec/tres and the rest of the MEC approved, which after the fact turned out to be a bull ******************** way to pay the guy and NOT in line with how he should have gotten paid. That is why he wasnt required to repay the money. That is if I remember how it was explained to me. If I am mistaken somebody please correct me.
This most recent example, and if what little has been publicly said about it is true, the guy did what he is being accused of AFTER he was recalled.
ALPA national is going down 2 separate paths with these with this one, I believe, being much more serious than the 1st. I believe the 1st we had a liaison from national(a fedex guy if I recall) who came in and audited everything and figured out what was up(not that we didnt already know). This one seems to be to be much more serious.