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Mesa Classes

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Active member
Mar 12, 2002
Got the call today. HR said They think ground school classes will begin for the folks in the pool sometime in April.
Congrats on getting ANY job these days, although I would definately think twice before joining the ranks over there. Most of us will be stuck at the regionals for quite a while. The great pilots at companies like Comair, Air Wisconsin and so on have made tremendous sacrifices not just to better their own contracts, but raise the bar for the entire regional industry. Hopefully the pilot group at Mesa realizes the dire consequences that will set all of us backwards 10 steps if they vote yes on this horrendous t.a. Best of luck.
Yeah, I'm thinking about writing a single post about how Mesa is a hinderance on the industry, but I'll save it. Any job these days is pretty good. Get some multi turbine time and then look for a good job. You're going to find life tougher at Mesa than at most other places.

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Any Flying job is better than Mr. Mom 24/7 for the past 15 months. Don't forget one has to stay fairly current or not ANY company will touch you.
brett malone said:
Got the call today. HR said They think ground school classes will begin for the folks in the pool sometime in April.

Brett, are they saying that they are going to start ground classes for Mesa or Freedumb in April? If it is Mesa, I am not sure how that will be possable considering they have 120 CCAir pilots to train plus any J4J guys that are needed to make things 50/50. If the contract passes it will happen on March 18th. That does not give them time to train all these people by the end of April. Not even close. Most CCAir guys/gals think they will all be called back by the end of August. Only after that can Mesa start hiring off the street. Either way, good luck with everything. -Bean
HR did not mention anything but ground schools will "hopefully begin in April." She did say the people already in the pool would go to training first. As far as CCAir is concerned, I haven't heard anyone bring it up at the interview or when I talked to HR today. I'm even sure what airframe(s) they flew. Maybe there would be some sort of shorten training course or transition training for those guys(I'm clueless). From my understanding during the interview, one J4J guy would be hired for every "off the street" Mesa new hire. If I interpeted this correctly, I don't see how this would delay tainining for an extended period of time for a guy like me. But I could be totally high. Please enlighten me if you have a better understanding of this stuff. I'm new in this area and haven't asks the questions I probably should have. Let me know If you have any other questions.

As for some of the others out there. I know everyone has different opinions on the aviation industry, but getting attitude over the Mesa contract if your a ComAir guy is a little hypocritical. After all, I could, and I stress COULD still have my Airline job right now if the people working for the regionals(RJ's) didn't work for so little. I'm not blaming anyone for what has taken place, but be careful about blaming others. I hope ultimately Capitolism will run its ever changing course and things will work out for all of us.
brett malone said:
As far as CCAir is concerned, I haven't heard anyone bring it up at the interview or when I talked to HR today.

Hey Brett. The CCAir angle is pretty simple. They were owned by Mesa until October when they were shut down. The new TA has scope that will bring the CCAir pilots in as furloughed pilots under a merged seniority list that was done in 1999 by both MEC's but not reconized until now by the company. B/C the CC pilots are considered furloughed, they will all have to be offered positions before Mesa can hire off the street. The one thing that you and other guys have on your side is that many of the CC guys are older and will be waiting for Capt slots. (b/c of the merged list, many CC guys are in the top half of the Mesa list and will be able to hold Capt slots with good seniority).

CCAir flew Dash 8's and Jetstreem 32's. They will all have to go through the entire ground school like any new hire.

I'm not sure if you have been hired yet or not but good luck. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me. -Bean
After all, I could, and I stress COULD still have my Airline job right now if the people working for the regionals(RJ's) didn't work for so little. I'm not blaming anyone for what has taken place, but be careful about blaming others.

And yet you're going off to work for Mesa. How ironic.

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