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Mesa-anyone get a huge email today?

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My 2 cents

As an ex Mesa pilot, here is my 2 cents.

The app fee is common. Or at least it use to be.
United charged me $50, and Amercian was $100.
Some companys only accepted apps via UPAS and they
charged $150. These were all one time fees if you
updated every six months.
When I was at Mesa, JO said the reason they charged the fee was to weed out the serious from the mass mailers.
Now if they are charging to update, that is overboard.

As for the "do not update before 6 months". This is common practice also. AA and UAL won't accept an app before six months. This is to prevent them from getting a million updates from the people that think it will increase their chances.

"And you MUST have internet access, and the only way they will
pay you is with direct deposit?"

You don't have to have internet access. The company put compter systems in each station. Every employee gets an e-mail account. That is how the company communicates with you. Saves a lot of money rather than mailing out stuff. And since pilots move a lot or spend time at out stations, you can always get your messages. It is actually very progressive. I could be at training and get on the computer and do my bids or check anything I wanted.The direct deposit was also to make things more effient. The money was in your bank account every Fri rather than waiting for it to come in the mail. Remember they have emplyees based all over the country and the checks all come from PHX. It's not like a small company were you can just pass out the checks.

From the rumor mill:
My buddy is a Mesa CA. He says JO is giving up on Freedom. They only have been able to get 20 pilots. Since they get the 700/900s, they will need pilots soon. He also said, if you send an app for Mesa, they can't ask you to fly for Freedom.

Mesa may not be the best place to work, but these days there are not many options. As a furloughee, I would be happy to have any flying job. Every company has scrap to deal with, but as long as they pay you to fly, just put up with it and wait for better days.
Welcome to the avaition biz.
Times are tough and "frankie smooth talk" has come to an old favorite for revenue.

Sounds like plenty of suckers out there willing to prove him right.

How sad.
The Furloughed

The only pilots left that are still out of work for Mesa Air Group is the CCAir guys. JO is still hanging on to the idea of using them to whipsaw the rest of the groups pilots. It really sucks for the CCAir guys and they probably regret choosing not to merge with the rest of the groups seniority list when they were bought up. ALPA is trying to get some relief for them in court but I don't know where that one rests right at the moment.

It's really good to hear that JO might be giving up on Freedom. If he does that should be good news for the rest of the groups contract, since that was his main hope at some whipsaw leverage against the Mesa and Airmidwest pilots. If that doesn't get off the ground, he's going to have to get his pilots from the current crop of Mesa, which means more hiring across the board.

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