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Mesa-anyone get a huge email today?

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Active member
Oct 11, 2002
Just got an email from Lori Clark, containing the employment application. Man, what a huge file! Anyone else get one?

I am having some second thoughts about mailing it however.
For one thing, I find it disturbing that you have to send them $50 every time you want to update (or did I read that paragraph wrong?). Also, you are giving them more personal info than your own mother knows, and they want it all updated every 6 months? And you MUST have internet access, and the only way they will pay you is with direct deposit?

Guess I have been out of the hiring loop for a while, because the amount of "we require this by law" has gone over the top! I guess I better confess that jay-walking ticket when I was 14!

Not sure if all of that is worth it for $1400 per month.

Keep the faith,

Just a reminder that Mesa Air Group is about to shut down one of its wholly owned subsidiaries (CCair) and is trying to start Freedom airlines. It really makes me feel good to see Mesa hiring off the street when I am a furloughed Mesa Air Group pilot. There is a whole mess of stuff I could get into right now but won't about Mesa and CCair and Freedom. If you do get hired by Mesa please do me a favor and make sure you aren't hired for Freedom.
I was sent three different emails from her with lots of other names listed and no subject line. I assume it was a general mailing to anyone who has emailed their resume. Could this mean that a possible interview pool is in the works? I hope it is a positive sign.

I had no idea that Mesa still had furloughed pilots still on the street. I assumed everyone was called back. Good luck.

Read this post and decided to check my "professional" e-mail (you know......the one for all the airlines that you never receive anything from)
Yes......got the app.....and Yes, it's huge. Guess I'll send it in. But if there are still furloughees I wont run right out and buy stamps! (What am I thinking......cant buy stamps anyway....the Visa's maxed out!)

Finch said:
For one thing, I find it disturbing that you have to send them $50 every time you want to update (or did I read that paragraph wrong?).
I don't have the app or e-mail, but I can assure you you read the paragraph correctly. I worked at MAPD for a while, so I know something about Mesa. One thing that Mesa has always known best is how to make money.

My favorite is how I was hired there to instruct in the Barons. I got there and was told I'd have to pay for my Baron training. $700. No, I was not told about it ahead of time, during my interview or when I received the phone call (message on my machine, actually) that I was hired. I never thought about asking, because standardization was always provided by the company in the three jobs I held previously. Stupid me. :rolleyes:
Also, you are giving them more personal info than your own mother knows, and they want it all updated every 6 months? And you MUST have internet access, and the only way they will pay you is with direct deposit?
I like direct deposit, but I guess the cost of paying your employees has gone up. :rolleyes: Now, a way to deduct DSL on taxes!!

Not sure if all of that is worth it for $1400 per month.
Well said, my friend.
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$50 application

To my knowledge I've been told California who pay the $50 application fee will get their money back because it is illegal for a company to charge for it. Anybody have any feedback on this?
Mr. Freeze,
I got this same app package e-mail back in March and sent it to them then. I thought (hoped) then that it might be a good sign but didn't turn out that way. I did talk to some MAPD folks at SunNFun in April and they said then that the scuttlebut was that Mesa might be hiring again by Nov. '02. Of course that's just speculation, and it was a long time ago so it's anybody's guess.
I got the same e-mail on Friday. Another interesting note that I noticed was that they would only accept updates once every 6 months. They made it sound like a criminal offense if you sent them another update in the meantime. Also they made it pretty clear that if you were missing a zip code for your high school from many years ago then you need not apply. They definitely have the attitude of “The ball is in our court and if you want to play with us then you will have to play by our rules". O-well, it is a shimmering light in a vast sea of darkness.
Sorry to hear that some of you guys are still furloughed-one more reason to visit the shredder with this one! Taking money for applications when you have guys out there waiting to work is not cool! Just think, $50 from every applicant on that email list alone. And, since the message was forwarded who knows how many times, it is a great way to make extra cash for them. In one way, the it is nice to see an application from a company prior to interviewing-the application speaks volumes.

Thank you for the info guys, I think I will pass on this outfit and spend my $50 bucks on something useful.

Hey, would it be funny to email this link to them or what?


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