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Mesa Air Group Pilot Job Fair

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Blues vs. Birds-Tailhook
Oct 11, 2005

Mesa Air Group Pilot Job Fair
April 10, 2006
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Sheraton Bloomington Hotel
7800 Normandale Blvd.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55439
Mesa Air Group Company flies as Delta Connections, United Express and US Airways Express.
* Minimum flight time of 1000 hours total and 100 hours multiengine
* Prefer ATP with a DHC-8 type rating
* Knowlege of ATP part 121 rules
Please fill out the online application through www.mesa-air.com and come prepared to interview.
rickair7777 said:
They are looking for DHC-8 street captains for the NE cuz none of their current pilots will touch it....

I have to ask...why? You'd think people would be jumping all over that for the TPIC to get the hell out faster.
Aren't the Dash'8s supposed to be doing some flying for Delta out of JFK starting this summer?
Mesa got some Dash routes for DAL on the East coast. There just aren't pilots in the company available because of understaffing, and no one wants to go to train to do feed for an airline that may strike at any second. (Good luck guys, seriously)

Oh ya, advertising in newspapers for an airline is pathetic
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Mesa Street CA's

There are quite a few issues that exist that is creating the need for street captains at Mesa. We have training "silos" that prevent equipment movement from one to another (ex 1900 fo can only go to 1900 ca or jet ca, not jet fo or Dash ca). You can only move up on the list, TP FO - Your current equipment CA - Jet CA. Jet FO can only go Jet CA. The company for the purpose of this dash bidding has lifted a majority of the restrictions (ERJ crews are hosed). Anybody awarded a Dash Captain spot will have an 18 month seat lock, and right now Jet captain is going junior to that by a little bit (14-16 months for ERJ, 24-26 months CRJ). So...even a newhire right now will hold Jet CA before their seat lock would be up on the dash. Due to the Mesa pilot development program we have numerous pilots that are nowhere near flight time requirements, and we have a bunch of pilots that want nothing to do with any base East of the Mississippi. We have been hiring street captains on the Beech since August, and the Dash is next. It would not suprise me entirely for Jet captain (Both ERJ & CRJ) to drop substantially below their current levels. We are needing upwards of 50 Captains on the Dash right now that we do not have the pilots for.
What kind of times does Mesa upgrade pilots? Sounds like a good deal for someone looking for T-Pic time if they can deal with Mesa.

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