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Mediation Statement against FLOPS

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Aspiring to be

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2002
Interesting reading on another board about those illegally terminated for their work in trying to organizing a union by FLOPS. I tried to copy and post on this board but the file was too large. It is a statement of mediation. FLOPS had requested mediation and it will take place this next week. The evidence is strong that many at FLOPS committed perjury during their depositions.

http://pub97.ezboard.com/brtapilots look under pro union,
topic Lets make sure.

Trial date is set to begin May 10.
Once more......

asspiring2B you have shown your flare for being a true union supporter by making FALSE statements in your post.......did you work at the New York times before???

Let me help you...

"Interesting reading on another board about those ALLEGEDLY illegally terminated for their work in trying to organizing a union by FLOPS. "

You see where you forgot to add the truth......mediation dose NOT automatically mean the other party is guilty.

"The evidence is strong that many at FLOPS MAY HAVE committed perjury during their deposition."

Many how many? Who? has the judge stated this and called for AMY people to come back and explain themselves for this ALLEGED perjury? Get a life Merlin......if your going to post try and be honest. How is your "FRIEND" doing.....still sending you emails?
Goose or is it ostrich !!

I have never denied my support for a union. I have never denied my support for a union at FLOPS. I do deny ever making a false statement. Not all of my opinions are shared by all by I have never posted a lie.

What false statements have I made? If you are referring to my comment, about those illegally terminated as being false because, the trial has not taken place then I can only suggest to you that you read the depositions, the Sullivan (HR) email and the Mediation Statement summated by the attorney for the plaintiffs. The proof of guilt is there for you to read. The depositions cannot be changed; the email from Sullivan for anyone with a third grade reading comprehension can only be understood as to the violation of the RLA and the rights of the plaintiffs by the way of fabricating a reason for termination.

Read the depositions of those from the FLOPS, Sullivan, Ricci, Combs, etc. Can you not see that Sullivan and boys made up the grounds for terminations? What evidence do you need to understand the guilt of FLOPS? What more do you need to understand the rights of the plaintiffs were violated by those you seem to want to protect? Why do you want to protect the guilty?

It has never been said that Mediation meant anyone was guilty. I do believe that since FLOPS requested the mediation and with the undisputable evidence and depositions that FLOPS realizes that there chances in court are extremely poor. The same reason FLOPS did not request Summary Judgment that they knew the evidence would not allow for Summary Judgment in favor of FLOPS. The plaintiffs did request Summary Judgment and the Judge due to some doubt at that time, denied it because of one item that could be said to be in doubt and that was the black list. Now with the new email the evidence of a blacklist created by managers at RTA is without doubt.

Who has lied you say? According to the attorneys’ mediation statement, Sullivan (HR), Salata (CP), Bilger (program manager), Daugherty (program manager) and I expect others that were not identified or I missed. Again, read the depositions of these people and see that they are not telling the truth. If you want to say they (FLOPS management) are telling the truth then you are saying the depositions given by the plaintiffs, Topliff, Combs, the two that witness the incident with Yeager as all being liars. You would also have to ignore the evidence such as the email from Sullivan and now Daugherty.

I would think you should be upset with those that remain in management at FLOPS that have caused so much harm to your fellow pilots when the fellow pilots did nothing wrong. The violation of the law and of human rights was committed by your management and not by the plaintiffs.

You have called me a liar; please tell me when and where. You are the one that tries to make fact into fiction. By the way, I am not Merlin.

I never called you a liar. I wrote that you put false statements in you post. Every thing you say that FLOPS did is ALLEGED until the judge or jury issues a ruling. Your post assumed guilt and guilt has not been established for the alleged illegal terminations or perjury. IF the courts say that laws where broken then I totally agree that the guys who where fired need to get their fair shake. IF management acted in a unprofessional manner that needs to be addressed also. BUT, you and all the other pro-union guys/gals put these posts out here to try and make FLOPS look like a bunch of crooks and liars. INNOCENT until proven guilty. TO you its guilty no matter what and that is not the way the system works. All you are doing is trying to slander FLOPS and raise support for a union that over the last few years has lost members and has done (in my view) a piss poor job at NJ. If your going to raise question about FLOPS go ahead, but do it the right way and don’t assume guilt until the man drops the gavel and issues the ruling.

I am not sure how you can call what FLOPS did as being ALLEGED. The email from Sullivan should speak for itself, it is not alleged. That one item should be enough to prove to you the reason for those guys termination and that the management violated the law and their rights. I do not need a judge to open my eyes and see what is there.

How you can say “if” management acted in an unprofessional manner is not understandable to me. You are just blind to the truth. I am not trying to make some at FLOPS look like crooks and liars; they have made themselves out to be liars. I can read. I do not need a system to tell me what some at FLOPS did was wrong. I have not slander anyone, some people have brought disgrace to them selves by what they did and then by what some have said. Grow up and read the deposition and stop protecting those that have been part of this evil thing.

Tell us about the Topliff termination after he gave a very favorable deposition. You have no creditability with me because you are so blind to the truth. Do you think that the acquittal of OJ means he is innocent? There is no hidden evidence, what you see is it for the company to present. Read it man.


You have your views and I have mine. You say read the Proof that’s on the net, you say I should read the emails that are posted on the Web for all to see. I would not trust ANYTHING I see on the WEB, you send me a notarized copy of this proof and then I will believe what I read on the web. If you think the pilots of FLOPS that read these boards believe 50% of the stuff posted on the web your fooling yourself. Give me proof, real proof not 3rd hand documents posted on the web that anyone can doctor up.

"You have no creditability with me"

OH WHAT SHALL I DO.... Please please give me your blessing i cant live with out it. IM done with you.


Very good point, I have no answer but the obvious one. When I make comments about NJ I do not mean to degrade your company. I truly believe that you have a great company full of great pilots who I talk with every chance I get. I just think you guys deserve more than you are getting form your union. Please don’t take it the wrong way. Fly safe!

It you believe the depositions, emails, letters, etc are altered in some way why not get an official copy so you can compare. You should also take into account the Sullivan email was given to the IBT attorney by FLOPS. It is not something that came from the plaintiffs. The Sullivan email is a part of the depositions; it is undeniable evidence of the wrongdoing by the management of FLOPS. The depositions are public information that is available to anyone. You can even get them on line but of course, you would not trust that as it would not be a notarized copy, it would only be certified. You could be the one to expose those that believe the facts are true. As I said before, you are really an ostrich and you have your head buried in the sand.

I believe without any doubt that the depositions that have been posted have been posted with 100% accuracy. Not one word, not one letter has been changed. Many of the depositions that have been posted were posted by a known name. Bill Tumblin, one of the plaintiffs made the post. Do you think FLOPS or the court would allow these post if they had been altered. Public information such as testimony (depositions) can be posted. I believe the only problem would be in the jury selection in that those that read the boards that make mention of the troubles at FLOPS would not be selected to serve. I do not believe FLOPS would allow false information of this nature to remain unchallenged.

You put your faith and trust in those that are not trustworthy. You support those that would not blink an eye to terminate you and the reason does not need to be justifiable. Your career, your family can be destroyed by many at FLOPS and you have no alternative. Do not tell me there is the court because that is not an available avenue unless some law can be shown to be violated. In an at-will State, there are few laws that would give you any rights at all. If you give the courts enough doubt that a law had been violated and the judge would grant you a trial there is a little matter of cost.

The cost is astronomical and beyond the reach of most of us. If not for the support of the IBT in this matter, my friends would not be able to afford the cost. You try to make the IBT look bad but they have done nothing but to bring honor to them selves over this matter. The company and management you support have done nothing but bring dishonor to them selves over this matter.

You and your family can never have security from the management for illegal termination, intimidation, etc. without the protections of a contract. You and your fellow pilots can never come close to having equal and fair treatment without a contract. You can never do away with the good old boy system without a contract. You can never have any voice or vote as to your working conditions, pay, benefits, etc without a contract. You can never have elected representation without a contract. You will never be able to speak with one voice without a contract. You will never have a meaningful contract without being part of a union. 97% of all the free worlds professional airline pilots belong to a union, Why?

I figure the Teamsters must be paying your salary or you wouldn't be spouting such BS. All the Unions have done a wonderful job for pilots. Charlie Bryant killed Eastern, they've turned a good $200,000 dollar a year job at US Air into a $100,000 a year job - not to mention cutting the pension from nearly $100,000 to $28,000 if your lucky enough to not have to pay money back. They managed list integration just peachy with the American/TWA merger - Oh! I forgot, they didn't and most of the TWA guys are gone. They really stood up for Northwest and UAL pilots when they needed them and IBT is helping Netjets pilots get paid Citation 2 wages for flying Falcons. Great. That's really money well spent. I also really enjoy the way the unions try to rule by intimidation. It looks like Gunfyter is trying to create a version of scab lists just for the fractional industry and updated for the internet. Just makes it a great place to work doesn't it - when you don't know who your friends are and who's a spy? Give us a break - you have always been irrelevant, now you have become tiresome.
I'm enjoying the information, pay no attention to Muddauber and keep it coming.

Sounds like he supports flying "struck work" doesn't it? He must not have much to do if he's "slumming" here at the fractional site. Why doesn't he sling his anti-union rhetoric to his SWA buddies. NJA pilots are going to come out of this just fine.
Army pilot -

I worked for NJI before I came to work for Southwest. I liked it. I left because I have a young family and wanted to spend more time with them. It amuses me watching you guys try to screw yourselves. Ever wonder why NetJet's Gulfstream pilots don't want a union?

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