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Mechs jumpseating

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saab fixr

professioanl speal kecker
Mar 17, 2005
I was curious whats the big deal with some of the pilots with letting us mechs js. Some are so good about it and if the flight is full and its open why not? Im not saying all but it always seems that the low time capts give you this sop story about their license and not willing to take the chance I understand all of that but whats the harm? we are allowed up there when it comes to test flights. If we are allowed access to the cockpit to fix the damm thing whats that harm in allowing us to get to home and other places like the pilots do and yes some of us commute to work too !! If you ask a DO for a letter its omg no way ARRRG!! Its always been our opinion that what better way to learn about the way you all fly the machine. wouldnt that help with training us? Not to mention it might reduce those nasty comments about pilots doing things wrong Just curious who the hell do we talk to as no one seems to care about the very people that keep those things in the air !!!
Sounds like your company has the same rules as my company. Some capt's will help you out by calling mx control and telling them they want you to fly up front to check something out inflight while others say "it's not in the SOP". Our companies policy is the JS is only open to mechanics for company business i.e. road trips. So my policy is i won't sit in the JS for company business. At least until it gets changed.
FAR 121.547 Admission to FlightDeck: it says certificated airman. it doesn't specify pilot, mechanic or dispatchers. Mechanics can acess the flightdeck under the same FAR offline pilots do.

Now... how your airline and FSDO apply the Reg is a different story.
I've jumpseated many times on Continental and Expressjet, but, its in the company ops specs (Flight Operations Manual, FOM) where it is allowed. The ops specs are FAA approved at these two carriers. It also saves on the pass fares.

I've jumpseated in the cockpit while on possitive space, but that was to allow a pass rider to have my seat in the cabin.
JetBlue allows its AMT's flight deck access. Granted Pilots have first dibs, but our A320's have two seats in the deck. I commute between PBI and JFK, and i've ended up front more times than I care to admit. The CA has the final word, and he can still deny us, but everyone i've delt with has been perfectly fine, and i'm traveling twice a week.

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