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Lynx To Cease Ops?

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In regards to jobs, the Lynx pilots will still end up on the RAH seniority list through the SLI process, due to be completed in May. The press release does not address pilots only. HR, Mx, and other non-union, non-flight crew positions will be given preferential hiring. The world is bigger than just us, guys and gals.

As said above, the fuel cost savings of the Dash over any RAH jet are significant, but they apparently do not outweigh the cost of having separate mechanics, pilots, training departments, HR staff, and operating certificates.

On the surface, I think the majority of us think that dropping Lynx will be damaging for the brand. The Lynx aircraft were good for most of the flying they did, and certainly right for the tight mountain airports. No jet will do the job as well as the Q400. Operationally, this feels wrong. It is apparent that Bedford has a very exact opinion of how the final brand will look, but unfortunately we only see it one piece at a time. Reducing the Midwest/Frontier brands to a single brand feels correct. Losing prop lift to high yield, operationally demanding airports feels wrong. Bedford has been pretty transparent about his disdain for props, though. He did not pursue the Continental Q400's despite requests and interest from CAL. He is dropping a successful prop operation. I guess we shouldn't be surprised, but it seems illogical. I would have thought that after acquiring an established Q certificate, BB would have tried to grow the fleet and take advantage of other Q400 business opportunities. This may be one of the more notable blunders of BB's recent efforts.
Gotta love RAH!

On the flip side, I'm glad this pro-union President is preserving Union jobs. I guess Lynx didn't get added in the stimulus package.

I hate this industry.
Gotta love RAH!

On the flip side, I'm glad this pro-union President is preserving Union jobs. I guess Lynx didn't get added in the stimulus package.

I hate this industry.

Only Rez and PCL128 believed Obama would be good for us....
Only Rez and PCL128 believed Obama would be good for us....

Only Rez and PFT128 believe ALPA can save/prevent airlines from shutting down.
I guess they don't talk to the ATA, Aloha or Midwest pilots much.
You mean to tell me flying planes that burn less fuel along with crewing them with pilots that don't make crap for money, just doesn't work??? LOL, wow... Guess payrates really don't mean anything at all. Good play and Q400's seem to work over at Horizon.
You mean to tell me flying planes that burn less fuel along with crewing them with pilots that don't make crap for money, just doesn't work??? LOL, wow... Guess payrates really don't mean anything at all. Good play and Q400's seem to work over at Horizon.

Honestly, no pilot pay doesn't play a "survivor" roll at an airline. Ask anyone who has been VP of Ops or President of an airline.
It's just a game move in the game between management and union.....which the union always loses.
What happens after pilots take a pay cut? In victory against the idiot union pilots, they give themselves a multi million dollar bonus. It's happened in EVERY pay cut.
NO US president can prevent Capitalistic greed.

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