Just a little enlightenment to all of you out there that believe everything you read, I personally know all parties involved in this case from the CEO to the pilot (which I have flown with) and this is a perfect example of the media blowing things out of proportion. The D.O.T and FAA have already had their shot at convicting these guys and FAILED miserably! The aircraft was NOT overloaded, the Weight and Balance graphs used had the wrong BOW printed on them and the correct documented weight put them within limits.
I can not speak for the actual crew involved with the crash but the pilot that was charged wasn't even on board but since they used graphs with the wrong BOW he has one charge for every W&B he completed and get this he was the SIC.
I am very confidant that after a year long trial, hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorneys fees not to mention tax payers dollars this witch hunt will end just as the first one did.
p.s. I also find it funny that after this crash Bombardier conveniently changed the take-off trim tab setting for the 600!
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