Turkey Shoot said:What? This coming from a 26 year old? Get a grip junior! Seeing your age I am pretty sure you are also one of those that did a CAPT program just to hired without instructing. You are probably one of the real problems. Had there been a reg that precluded anyone with less than ATP mins to fly 121, you'd probably still be in mommy and daddy's basement.
I love all crap that people talk on these boards. I'll meet with any of you if the schedules match and you'll hear the exact same things out of my mouth. I am fairly sure however, you don't have the sand to make the same claims as you do on this board.
And....... No is forcing your young self to read this thread either.
26? Im older than that by a bit. I use random names and ages on the internet because i dont like my personal info all over the web. No i didnt do CAPT or any pay for training, and yes i instructed and flew freight. I was over atp mins when i went to 121 thanks to 9/11. And i got my ratings the same way lots of guys do, working crap jobs to pay for them. as far as meeting up with people on a schedule match you sound like a tough guy wannabe retard.