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Looking into gulfstream

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I think we all knew it was flame bait. We are just so bored and antsy, that we responded with serious and sarcastic answers.
mcjohn said:
dangit!! Here it goes. What the hell is this thing "FLAME BAIT". It was a little over a year ago, I tried defending going to Gulfstream. I think I might have been one of the people that inspired folks to coin such a phrase. I learned a lot from understanding PFT. What is the evolution of the term "flame bait?" It seems like something dorks enjoy throwing around.
Not saying I'm not a dork or anything but c'mon!?

The other night (somewhat intoxicated) I posted that. The thread reminded me of when I was freshly married, ready to start a family, and trying to find a fast track. I didn't understand the complexity of paying dues to build real skills etc, etc....and there were I few folks that would respond to my posts only saying FLAME BAIT! FLAME BAIT!!!! It only confused me back then, but lucky some considerate folks filled me in on the big picture thank god! Everyone should remember that at any given time someone clueless like I was, is going to come here looking for answers about places like Gulfstream. We should be considerate and try to get our points across without yelling FLAME BAIT all over the place. It's just makes the clueless guy not trust anyone here. Therefore, I think it's kind of lame of this BOOZENEWS guy to hurt the whole process.
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You're a real jerk for posting this

I have around 200 hrs total and am wanting to take a faster track to the airlines. I just found what seems like a REALLY good way to make that happen. Gulfstream Academy will give me 250 hrs as a B-1900 FO and give me hiring priority after that! This sounds excellent and a good way to get the airlines to notice you over other pilots! Would you recommend this? It sounds good to me. Let me know.


I put a lot of effort, as did others to communicate with this poser.
I can't believe you act like it's funny and then wish everyone in the industry good luck and you hope things get better for them.

This kind of post only makes things worse for everyone. Think about it.
Everything I said was made up and a complete lie!! I just wanted to throw out a bunch of FB to see who would take it and who wouldn't. I got to say that not as many took it as I had thought.

Out of all seriousness it PISSES ME OFF that my generation of pilots set the bar so low and are willing to work for next to nothing. This is like having sex with the fattest and ugliest girl because you are dying to lose your virginity and can't score with a hottie!! Although I have only 150 hrs I have learned a lot about the industry from reading these posts. Again pure flame bait that I posted about GS and in all seriousness I do hope the worst is over in yet another downturn in this industry.

Stay strong everyone!!

Ye4p, he was shilling, can someone do a WHOIS to check?
PCL_128 said:
Guys, stop responding to this idiot. He's not serious. He's only trying to get everyone worked up. I think some of you need to tune up your flamebait detector. :)

I don't think he's flame bait, I think he's a shill for Gulfsteam, they must be running out of "Candidates".

A few of you need to RELAX!! I'm sorry if I took away anything from a potential legitimate poster. It was a joke, plain and simple!! I knew I could get a rise out of many on this forum and thats exactly what happened! Y'all need to pop open a few beers and get laid for crying outloud! I hate GS just as much as all of you. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone!! Don't raise your BP over this whole thing because you might lose your medical!! Audios
A few of you need to RELAX!! I'm sorry if I took away anything from a potential legitimate poster. It was a joke, plain and simple!! I knew I could get a rise out of many on this forum and thats exactly what happened! Y'all need to pop open a few beers and get laid for crying outloud! I hate GS just as much as all of you. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone!! Don't raise your BP over this whole thing because you might lose your medical!! Audios

I think I called it just perfect, and now you're in deep with management for doing it. You've exposed your organization to greater scrutiny. Shilling on a board is viewed even lower than PFT, and GS has always been viewed as a bottom feeder of PFT, so you just turned GS from a bottom feeder to a sack of ****. I bet you lose your preferential place in line for this. Can anyone come up with an IP on this guy, could be very interesting.
Mr. Booze, this kind of thing is nothing to play about. When I 1st starting asking questions about GS everyone called me a FB and it put me on the defense and it took a long time for me to realize what was happening. Because people like to play with these fake posts only hurts people's understanding of the big picture. Which doesn't only undermine the industry but can also kill someone's dream of becoming a successfull and highly skilled/experienced pilot.
Before you try amusing yourself, remember that people like me exist and will be completely thrown off if they come here for honest advice.
I don't hate GS because I'm not in the "industry" yet. If you're with GS no big deal to me. Good luck to you. But what is a big deal is that I was able to come to understand the big picture with GS and realize it was not for me.
AgDownUnder said:
I think I called it just perfect, and now you're in deep with management for doing it. You've exposed your organization to greater scrutiny. Shilling on a board is viewed even lower than PFT, and GS has always been viewed as a bottom feeder of PFT, so you just turned GS from a bottom feeder to a sack of ****. I bet you lose your preferential place in line for this. Can anyone come up with an IP on this guy, could be very interesting.

I am still laughing hard from reading that!! I've never been within 100mi of GS! I don't even know a single pilot there or that has ever been there. You can believe what you want but thats the truth. I just as easily could have used DCA, Sierra Academy or RAA in my attempt to bait everyone.

You apparently fell for this flame bait the most!! The fact that you are still jumping down my throat is too dammn funny!!! Is it the wrong time of month for you? Is PMS coming on to you about now?
You apparently fell for this flame bait the most!! The fact that you are still jumping down my throat is too dammn funny!!! Is it the wrong time of month for you? Is PMS coming on to you about now?

Lonely aren't you?

What if agdownunder was a woman you chode.

Do yourself a favor, if you ever get a woman don't use that line with her.

Sorry agdownu. Just trying to make a point.
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