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Looking into gulfstream

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AdlerDriver said:
What is it you think awaits you at the end of the "fast track to the airlines"?
Good pay? Time off? Retirement benefits? Think again.
Have you been talking to some old retired pilot in your neighborhood that still thinks making the sacrifices you are thinking about making is worth it? The number of good (really good) flying jobs out there is very small. The number of highly qualified pilots looking to get those jobs is huge.

Dude, do yourself a favor and stop now. You are years away from being competitive for a decent job - it doesn't matter how much you want to pay. Take your $$ and buy a plane or go into it with someone else and fly for fun. Do some research on what the pilot profession is being reduced to before you try to find a track (fast/slow/dead-end, whatever) to "the airlines".

I am willing to put down $29,000 and then make 8/hr for the next 250 hrs. I just love flying so much that I'd even be willing to fly the 250 hrs for free.

I defenitly want to fly for an airline someday. I would be perfectly happy topping out at 50K as a capt with 20 yrs senority at a major airline flying a 737 or similar. The fact that I'd be flying a jet, wearing a nice uniform and traveling all over the place would make 50K seem like good pay. I want to do whatever to get noticed by the airlines with the least amount of time. At the moment I do love to fly so much though that I would be willing to make 25K as a 737 FO and 50K as a 737 capt.
Try this:
1: Stand about 18-24 inches from a wall with your feet shoulder width apart.
2: Place both hands on the wall
3: Move head sharply forward making hard and sudden contact with the wall.
4: Now check and see if you have snapped yourself out of your little dream
world and back to reality.
I am willing to put down $29,000 and then make 8/hr for the next 250 hrs. I just love flying so much that I'd even be willing to fly the 250 hrs for free.

I defenitly want to fly for an airline someday. I would be perfectly happy topping out at 50K as a capt with 20 yrs senority at a major airline flying a 737 or similar. The fact that I'd be flying a jet, wearing a nice uniform and traveling all over the place would make 50K seem like good pay. I want to do whatever to get noticed by the airlines with the least amount of time. At the moment I do love to fly so much though that I would be willing to make 25K as a 737 FO and 50K as a 737 capt.

With that type of thinking why don't you run for an office like "President", I here they spend millons to geta job paying 500k or less a year.
I am willing to put down $29,000 and then make 8/hr for the next 250 hrs. I just love flying so much that I'd even be willing to fly the 250 hrs for free.

I defenitly want to fly for an airline someday. I would be perfectly happy topping out at 50K as a capt with 20 yrs senority at a major airline flying a 737 or similar. The fact that I'd be flying a jet, wearing a nice uniform and traveling all over the place would make 50K seem like good pay. I want to do whatever to get noticed by the airlines with the least amount of time. At the moment I do love to fly so much though that I would be willing to make 25K as a 737 FO and 50K as a 737 capt.

Total Flame Bait, ignore this guy...
I am willing to put down $29,000 and then make 8/hr for the next 250 hrs. I just love flying so much that I'd even be willing to fly the 250 hrs for free.

I defenitly want to fly for an airline someday. I would be perfectly happy topping out at 50K as a capt with 20 yrs senority at a major airline flying a 737 or similar. The fact that I'd be flying a jet, wearing a nice uniform and traveling all over the place would make 50K seem like good pay. I want to do whatever to get noticed by the airlines with the least amount of time. At the moment I do love to fly so much though that I would be willing to make 25K as a 737 FO and 50K as a 737 capt.

Oh, okay... well when you put it that way...... I didn't know you were going to be wearing a "nice uniform". :erm:
In that case, I totally understand. Go for it, dude.

Since you have such a low opinion of the value of a properly trained, experienced, professional pilot and are going to be so happy making 25K as an F/O - How about if you donate anything you make over that to a charity or maybe to the furloughed pilots of the industry.

UFB!!! This has got to be a joke. I'd love to talk to this guy in 20 years if he actually ends up in the cockpit of a real jet. :laugh:
I am willing to put down $29,000 and then make 8/hr for the next 250 hrs. I just love flying so much that I'd even be willing to fly the 250 hrs for free.

I defenitly want to fly for an airline someday. I would be perfectly happy topping out at 50K as a capt with 20 yrs senority at a major airline flying a 737 or similar. The fact that I'd be flying a jet, wearing a nice uniform and traveling all over the place would make 50K seem like good pay. I want to do whatever to get noticed by the airlines with the least amount of time. At the moment I do love to fly so much though that I would be willing to make 25K as a 737 FO and 50K as a 737 capt.

The dreded "Shiny Jet Syndrome" has claimed yet another victim!
aerodromebum said:
The dreded "Shiny Jet Syndrome" has claimed yet another victim!

What is shiny jet syndrome? I can't figure why all of you are so upset at me. I would be content flying a jet for a major airline for around 50K. I think paying for flight time will get you some good experience pretty fast. Why is that such a bad thing?
What is shiny jet syndrome? I can't figure why all of you are so upset at me. I would be content flying a jet for a major airline for around 50K. I think paying for flight time will get you some good experience pretty fast. Why is that such a bad thing?

For starters, take a look at the thread titled "SJS - The Career Killer" in this forum. I think it's currently at page 12 or 13...

BTW, We're not upset at you. At least I'm not. We're just trying to keep you from making a huge mistake. As many will attest, flying jets, especially at a regional, isn't all what it's cracked up to be.

Do not fall for the gimmicks of Gulfstream and others who entice you with the idea of gaining "real airline experience" when in fact they're trying to trick you into PAYING THEM for a job that should be a PAID POSITION.
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Damnit!! Here it goes. What the hell is this thing "FLAME BAIT". It was a little over a year ago, I tried defending going to Gulfstream. I think I might have been one of the people that inspired folks to coin such a phrase. I learned a lot from understanding PFT. What is the evolution of the term "flame bait?" It seems like something dorks enjoy throwing around.
Not saying I'm not a dork or anything but c'mon!?
mcjohn said:
dangit!! Here it goes. What the hell is this thing "FLAME BAIT". It was a little over a year ago, I tried defending going to Gulfstream. I think I might have been one of the people that inspired folks to coin such a phrase. I learned a lot from understanding PFT. What is the evolution of the term "flame bait?" It seems like something dorks enjoy throwing around.
Not saying I'm not a dork or anything but c'mon!?

It has nothing to do with you specifically. It's just a term that refers to something that is posted as intentional BS in an attempt to "bait" people into angered responses. (at least that's my .02 on it)
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