I'm looking to get on with any fractional outfit, and I have sent in resumes and filled out online applications where applicable , some as long as two months ago and I have heard nothing in return except for the standard autoreply e-mails saying the online stuff was sent in. I was kind of expectind to at least get a thanks/nothanks letter by now. Am I being too impatient? I am looking to leave my current job at a regional now, and I am afraid my job may leave me soon - we just furloughed some guys- How long should I give em??? I meet all the minimums, have all the required licenses, etc. I know where I would like to end up, but any frac job would be better than the one I have now. Anyone know what I need to do to get some responses? I would be happy if I got a thanks/nothanks letter right now because at least that would mean someone actually read my resume!!!!
Any input would be appreciated.
Any input would be appreciated.