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Logging SIC w/a rated single pilot

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May 4, 2006
I was in a discussion and the question came up. Can an individual log SIC time while flying with a single pilot rated PIC? Example: A single pilot rated pilot flying a CJ1 has a co-pilot. Can the co-pilot log SIC or would the PIC need the restriction of "SIC required" for the co-pilot to log SIC? I hope I've made sense.
Yes you may log SIC time as long as the aircraft is certified for one OR two pilots.... such as the 500 series Citations. If it's strictly certified for one pilot, you are out of luck unless you are flying 135 and your op specs allow for an SIC and you are properly trained and tested for 135. Something like this would be a King Air 90. Part 91 there is no SIC. Part 135 there MIGHT be an SIC. (121 obviously always has an SIC)
Part 91 there is no SIC.

If you have two guys flying and one is wearing the hood, sole manipulator of controls, and PIC under part 1; then the safety pilot can log SIC. Not that I could think of any reason why anyone would want to do this, it is legal though.
true, but let's see you try this with the company execs on the plane routinely... let me know how that goes....
Are CJ's automatically approved for single pilot? Or is it like the 500 series where a waiver is required to fly it single pilot?
If you have two guys flying and one is wearing the hood, sole manipulator of controls, and PIC under part 1; then the safety pilot can log SIC. Not that I could think of any reason why anyone would want to do this, it is legal though.

I believe that in this situation they are both entitled to log PIC time, not SIC.
I believe that in this situation they are both entitled to log PIC time, not SIC.

Option 1
Safety pilot is PIC under Part 1
Person under hood is sole manipulator of controls
Both may log as PIC

Option 2
Safety pilot is not nominated PIC under Part 1
Person under hood is sole manipulator of controls and PIC under Part 1
Person under hood may log PIC, safety pilot may log SIC
I believe that in this situation they are both entitled to log PIC time, not SIC.
Nope. In the scenario that you responded to, the pilot under the hood was Part 1 PIC. In order for the safety pilot to log PIC, the safety pilot also has to be Part 1 PIC - read the reg to see why..

If the safety pilot is Part 1 PIC, =then= both can log PIC.
I'm not a C-525 expert but this is what I found in the


Revision 16
February 23, 2006
1 - Model 525, (Normal Category), Approved October 15, 1992

Minimum Crew for all Flights (see note 5 for cockpit equipment/arrangement restrictions): One pilot (in the left pilot seat) plus additional equipment as specified in the Kinds of Operations Equipment List (KOEL) contained in the Limitations Section of the FAA Approved Airplane Flight Manual
One pilot and one copilot

NOTE 5. Approval for operation with a minimum crew of one pilot is based upon the cockpit equipment
installation and arrangement evaluated during FAA certification testing. No significant changes
may be made to the installed cockpit equipment or arrangement (EFIS, autopilot, avionics, etc.),
except as permitted by the approved MMEL, without prior concurrence from the responsible
Aircraft Certification Office.

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