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Are they crazy?!?!?!?!?!:confused:

When is the vote taking place?
What a joke. I hope none of you are seriously considering this?
The vote started today (May 2) and ends Fri the 9th. So far I've heard nothing but No's. We're not going to stoop to other's level.
Wish us luck!
Awesome, I have a few boyz over there..... Show some real ballz, not like those F-Heads at Mesa that set the industry back 10 years.
We had Piedmont also worked hard as hell to fight for regional work rules and pay back in the 90's. Comair also grew some nades!!!! Carry the torch my brothers.
Best of luck guys....

Concerned Piedmonster
Show some real ballz, not like those F-Heads at Mesa that set the industry back 10 years.

you really are an ignorant ass saying things like that. The economy set the industry back ten years. I suppose we are to blame for UAL, AMR, and USAIR too? I hear an alarm going off, I think it's your wake up call.
Thats a bunch of BS!!!! The regional airlines make money, and were not bleeding cash like the mainline carriers. So was Mesa losing money???? Well JO had the money to start Freedumb and also the money to place orders on all these new RJ's. Money to buy CCAir. You boys were played like a fiddle! Enjoy being the most hated regional in the industry.
Your CONTRACT passed by 78%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a break! Atleast turn down the first piece of crap and go back and work on a better deal.
Sorry venting....... but now every regional is gonna have your TA slapped in there face... Just ask the Skyway boys...
So, why does everyone waste so much of their energy bashing Mesa? What do you care if their TA gets slapped in your face. I mean, you have balz...right? I hear it every day on here from pilots at every regional airline. "We would never settle for a piece of crap contract like Mesa did. We have balz. We'd shut the f*cker down"...and so on. So again, what do you care? Just use those balz you claim you have and shut that f*cker down. Then you don't have to work under a sub-standard contract.

But then again, it's much easier to point fingers at other people and say "See them...THEY'RE the problem". That way, no matter what happens, it's always somebody else's fault.
I don't really hear anyone pointing the finger at ALPA.. they are to blame as much as anyone. If they would stand up for what they say they do, maybe we wouldn't have as much turmoil within the pilot ranks as we do regarding finger pointing, accusations of backstabbing, etc.

But no, we have to fight them as much as we fight each other and it gets old. Mainline vs. Regional...etc.

In every CEO's mind, Mesa and JO set the bar lower and now every company is going to try and duplicate this effort. By the pilots voting NO on this TA at Air Willy, hopefully the bar will come back up.

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