During my first stage check for my private I flawlessly executed each manuever the check airman requested. **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** I thought, this is a cake walk.
" Okay Captain" he says, "take me home."
hmm lets see, its the east coast of Florida..flat, undeveloped, not so easy to naviagte by the orange groves. Ive got about 5 hours in the local area, just enough to keep the wings level and the ball centered. Wait, I remember theres a blue water tower at the departure end of the runway. Head towards the coast, find it and presto!
great plan except theres an airport about 8 miles south, identical runway layout ( guess the prevailing winds are the same there to)
and some g-**CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** city planner thought a blue water tower would look peachy right at the departure end as well.
I dont remember the actual conversation but I do remember trying to eek out an answer when I was accused of being retarded among other things.
Guess what? went on to pass every checkride the first time, instructing now ( with a few more people skills than my check airman), still have bad days but no bad flights.
You'll make it. Just take it one bite at a time
" Okay Captain" he says, "take me home."
hmm lets see, its the east coast of Florida..flat, undeveloped, not so easy to naviagte by the orange groves. Ive got about 5 hours in the local area, just enough to keep the wings level and the ball centered. Wait, I remember theres a blue water tower at the departure end of the runway. Head towards the coast, find it and presto!
great plan except theres an airport about 8 miles south, identical runway layout ( guess the prevailing winds are the same there to)
and some g-**CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** city planner thought a blue water tower would look peachy right at the departure end as well.
I dont remember the actual conversation but I do remember trying to eek out an answer when I was accused of being retarded among other things.
Guess what? went on to pass every checkride the first time, instructing now ( with a few more people skills than my check airman), still have bad days but no bad flights.
You'll make it. Just take it one bite at a time