Oh c'mon you all, B-19 doesn't sound like such a bad guy. The more I read his posts the more I am convinced we don't need a union at FLOPS. After all I admit, I voted for fopa because if we were going to have a union I would have liked it to be comprised of our own pilots. I have seen the light, I have so much time on my hands that I spend hours making sure my input is heard from my fellow pilots not even in the fractional organization, besides we are all in this together right? I believe that management has always had our best interests in mind, they just don't have the means to provide the lifestyle we deserve. It's not their fault really. They are just trying to do the best they can with what they have to work with right? That is why I am leading the campaign to vote out the teamsters 1108. I am sure that management will view this as a good faith gesture and things will improve faster than we could ever obtain a contract.