I think that last post should be followed by an open note to the mods and master:
Threads like this are illuminating for several reasons. We'd like to understand the bias behind the major media reporting style, particularly in regard to aviation. What happens to our livelihood in the future will be determined by politicians, regulators, and public opinion. Major media is a powerful force in this equation, and we as pilots need to understand it and become a powerful force ourselves. Poor reporting is often a function of poor understanding. Much of that is a desire to stick to an agenda, purposefully avoiding an understanding which might counter an editorial belief. Yesterday, Barry Schiff was interviewed regarding pilot radios, and an informed, reasoned report was the result, with no hysteria. I think it might have been on Fox. You won't find the Boston Globe or the NY Times interviewing Captain Schiff during discussions of airport security, or building a new runway at Logan.
We need to understand WHY those outlets will avoid his seasoned reasoning and factual discussion: it isn't a part of their agenda.
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