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Let hostess land the plane in a crisis, says Ryanair: Airline wants to ditch co-pilot

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The co-pilot isn't the expensive one, we simply need a plan to go straight to the riddle diddle FO and use the FA to handle the emergency situations. Throw some lobbyists a few million and in a few weeks we should see some results up in DC.
While this d-bag is obviously just doing this for the free publicity, he's stepped into a different zone this time, and that is the one of safety. It used to be stuff like, "charge for the loo" and "make pax stand up on flights and get rid of seats." But this one tells the public that "we are so cheap, we don't even give a crap about safety!"

Next, it's "let's get rid of mechanics and engine overhauls!"
Next, it's "let's get rid of mechanics and engine overhauls!"

...and he'll be in the papers again, and people will talk about his airline for 9 hrs and the cycle will continue.
The F/As have other duties........

I do not see how the F/As on Ryan Air will be able to break away from their in-flight cabin duties to assist in an emergency. Read below:


Ryanair calls business class service “beds and blow jobs”

By Jess McCabe | 27 June 2008, 17:50
Ryanair is courting publicity again, after announcing at a German press conference that the name for its business class service will be “beds and blow jobs” and the blow jobs will be “free”.
According to the London Paper:
Michael O’Leary, the colourful head of Ryanair, told a stunned audience that while passengers in economy would pay as little as 10 euros to fly across the Atlantic, business customers would pay between 4,000 and 5,000 euros and get free oral sex.​
This has partly become a news story, it seems, because Ryanair posted the footage on YouTube - I really hesitated before writing about this, because after all, the airline is just after some cheap publicity, and going on about how offensive they are just ramps that up for them.
True, true, but I just feel that this still needs mentioning - what about the women air stewards who end up working on this service? What working environment will this create for them? (Of course, they won’t actually be prostituted by their employer, we assume, that being illegal).
This could be a reality. As a part-time mall security guard the CIA would often call me in to perform missions when their regular agents were sick.
While this d-bag is obviously just doing this for the free publicity, he's stepped into a different zone this time, and that is the one of safety. It used to be stuff like, "charge for the loo" and "make pax stand up on flights and get rid of seats." But this one tells the public that "we are so cheap, we don't even give a crap about safety!"

Next, it's "let's get rid of mechanics and engine overhauls!"

People will do anything to save 20 dollars on a ticket.
C'mon guys!!

Surely you guys have already flown with former USAF pilots?

Now, what's the difference between that and what Ryanair is proposing?
Airline CEO: Nix co-pilot, save money

(CNN) --
It's not necessary to have two pilots on every flight, Michael O'Leary said in a recent interview.
"Let's take out the second pilot. Let the bloody computer fly it," O'Leary told Bloomberg Businessweek, adding that a flight attendant on each flight could be trained to help land a plane if something goes wrong.
"If the pilot has an emergency, he rings the bell, he calls her in," O'Leary told the magazine. "She could take over."

Wouldn't that make the flight attendant a pilot???
Merging threads with the SAME content!!!

It's a foreign carrier. Post in the Foreign Forum.

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