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Let go from an instructing job

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2004
Curious as to how negatively this will hurt a person in the future...

Say you're an employed flight instructor and busy college student. Due to school, you have to reduce your flying schedule more and more until the employer decides to let you go. Not fired due to any reason or anything, just let go because of scheduling conflicts and were still considered to be a good employee. But, you've still been let go, and therefore have to check that box on applications and such.

Thanks much guys
Oh my god, your never going to make it now. JUST KIDDING!
Ah I know its not too big of a deal, but, looking at applications it just gives me a little negative feeling that I have to click one of those "Yes" boxes.

Thanks guys!
True you might have to check the "yes" box someday on an application, but majority of the apps I have seen allow you to (or better yet, demand) explain the circumstances. So just word your explanation real careful, and you should be allright!
as long as you left on goodterms i dont see how it can pose a problem. also i heard somewhere that a previous employer cant give you negative whatchumacallit. they can just say if you are hire-able or not
User997 said:
majority of the apps I have seen allow you to (or better yet, demand) explain the circumstances. So just word your explanation real careful, and you should be allright!
You might want to write up the explaination now, while everything is still very fresh, and then read read it and massage it into a nice smooth explaination... Print it out and put it in your logbook, this way when it comes time to fill out any applications, you'll already have it done and you'll know exactly where it is...
If the employer let you go due to you shrinking your own schedule, and there are no hard feelings, have him write you a letter of recommendation. Problem solved.
labbats said:
If the employer let you go due to you shrinking your own schedule, and there are no hard feelings, have him write you a letter of recommendation. Problem solved.

Great Idea Labatts! I wouldn't sweat it at all.

Art V.
Kream926 said:
as long as you left on goodterms i dont see how it can pose a problem. also i heard somewhere that a previous employer cant give you negative whatchumacallit. they can just say if you are hire-able or not

I heard the same thing from my previous employer. My memory isn't clear, but I think that he was worried about litigation (slander, libel?). He said he would say good things about me though because he was glad to see me go. I thought that was nice. (Kidding, he didn't say that.)

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