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LEO's and TSA

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U r an idiot... Why would u remove him... Most agents are required to be armed at all times... It is part of their job - with family or not... I know several agents and I would rather have them on the plane and know that they are in the back if something went wrong... They r freaking fbi agents, not mall security... Sounds like u r a real tool bag... I would never have one that was off duty removed for carrying a gun with him, as they are always on duty... Freaking tool...

I agree. A federal agent isn't out of line carrying on or off duty. I'm not sure why a pilot would even care as long as all the paperwork was in order.
I agree. A federal agent isn't out of line carrying on or off duty. I'm not sure why a pilot would even care as long as all the paperwork was in order.

He is out of line if he's acting like a D-bag about it. All he has to do is respond professionally to the gate agents and flight crew and it sounds like everything would have been fine. If he felt like he was getting harassed, he should have filed a report when he got back to his office. I'm with the Captain on this one.
He is out of line if he's acting like a D-bag about it. All he has to do is respond professionally to the gate agents and flight crew and it sounds like everything would have been fine. If he felt like he was getting harassed, he should have filed a report when he got back to his office. I'm with the Captain on this one.

Dash8viator di'ent say he was being a D-bag TO HIM, but rather to the gate agents. It doesn't take much (or sometimes anything legitimate) to piss them off (they have the hardest job in the airport IMHO).

D8 stated that the only thing he saw to cause him to make a call on a "good guy" was his "opinion" that "why he need two guns?!?"

That is what the replies took issue with, and I agree with them.

Me thinks DHC8 is A) anti-gun B) has Captainitis C)jes a toolbag, or D) the fed was a ****************************** to him or his crew personally, because 1) he made a point to join in and post here, seemingly bragging about his powa 2) He failed to provide reasonable evidence to justify delaying and harrassing someone who most likely was NOT a threat to anyone.

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