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Leaving Comair - 1 Year Later

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I left in June of 04, a lot of people thought I was nuts, now most of those people think I'm the smartest guy ever. I'm niether, just glad to be out! I also agree with the others. Taking that last walk throught the turnstiles felt great, like a huge burden had been lifted.
Well I, like a lot, would love to get out. But with limited "skills/experience" what can we do? I'd love to hear what those who left do. I have a degree, but outside of being a pilot it means nothing.
I just got myself banned for a few days due to poor language.
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I was offered a job at Executive Jet (NetJets) the same day that the strike ended. Being that JC and his boys were recommending ratification of what seemed to me to be a lousy contract, I knew it was time to go. I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Comair pilot group. For those 89 days in '01, I NEVER saw a more unified group of people. Not in the army, not in church, not anywhere.
I don't regret leaving for one second. But I always think about my boys that are still there.

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