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Lasa prelim award!

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Certainly came as a shocker to me, that in 2012, our company (re: manpower person) runs our bids - BY HAND.

Job security??? As far as I know, payroll is still being done by hand. They transfer it BY HAND to an excel spreadsheet to send to the payroll company.

Remember....it doesn't matter how we got here. As long as we use archaic methods.

How bad do you think this award will get screwed up? I bet it takes 5 tries to get it right.
Job security??? As far as I know, payroll is still being done by hand. They transfer it BY HAND to an excel spreadsheet to send to the payroll company.

I've seen them hold a yard stick up to a spreadsheet tacked on a cubicle wall to try to check a pay error. Apparently they read the wrong line when they were determining what was to be paid. This was several years ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if their methods are still that antiquated.
hah...well...I think payroll has moved into the 2012 year. They were very quick in fixing a $1300+ error. Quick as in three hours I had the correct check in my hand. Then again, maybe it was because I did all the math for them.

SH (Not Scott Hall...) has her hands full with the manpower side of things. I don't blame her, I blame the Company for not using technology to their benefit and requiring their people to do this stuff by hand. One pilot at a time.

We (the much hated ALPA) are working on some scripting to run this stuff and verify what the company comes to is correct. A few months away, but we want to use the scripting to verify past awards before using it to confirm the Company's awards.

SkyWest IT also has something that runs these awards, but of course the Company is staying away from it for whatever reason. Job security for SH can be protected, she does a great job with the resources she has - but she wont be going anywhere if she has a software suite to use to run this stuff.
Well the prelim came out with serious errors, was deleted, and then re-sent. Nothing unusual there, and sure to be repeated numerous times before and after the final comes out.
Well the prelim came out with serious errors, was deleted, and then re-sent. Nothing unusual there, and sure to be repeated numerous times before and after the final comes out.

Soooo....what the heck happened the prelims? Aren't they supposed to come out daily? How are we supposed to make any decisions based on 1 prelim that's a week+ old???
Soooo....what the heck happened the prelims? Aren't they supposed to come out daily? How are we supposed to make any decisions based on 1 prelim that's a week+ old???

Why the need for more prelims? People keep switching their bid all around the place so it's pretty useless if you are trying to be precise with your position.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Why the need for more prelims? People keep switching their bid all around the place so it's pretty useless if you are trying to be precise with your position.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

Quit whining. You see all those LOA's? You can never know your precise position.
62 capts in DFW and 39 FO's? WTF...... once again it's been screwed up, will be deleted, and will be re-issued with more errors. Turning into a bit of a joke. Just close the bid and make the award already.
62 capts in DFW and 39 FO's? WTF...... once again it's been screwed up, will be deleted, and will be re-issued with more errors. Turning into a bit of a joke. Just close the bid and make the award already.

Since I've been here, one has seemingly NEVER been done correctly..

It SHOULD be an electronic process taking 3 seconds, but it is a ridiculous laborious process filled with obvious errors a hotel night auditor would catch. Maybe a hotel janitor would catch some..
62 capts in DFW and 39 FO's? WTF...... once again it's been screwed up, will be deleted, and will be re-issued with more errors. Turning into a bit of a joke. Just close the bid and make the award already.

I'd imagine the rest of the DFW FO positions will be filled by new hires from upcoming classes; the FO side is looking awfully junior.

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