My dad flew them at TWA for 4 or 5 years and he said that was the best airplane he flew in his 30+years of airlines service. He said it was so comfortable it was like flying a lazy boy. Cat 3 Autoland was awesome on it, he said when it would land, the only way you knew you were on the ground was the spoilers would fully open and the nose would drop through the horizon on the AI. It could also be evac'd quickly as TWA found out when one caught fire on the ground in JFK-3 mins(I think was the number, may have been shorter) for a full boat with nobody getting hurt at all, thats pretty impressive. The only thing he didnt like was having to go out the roof on a cable if you had to evac out of the cockpit. Nothing like the sound of 3 RB211's at full power on takeoff, thats something I still remember about riding in them(and the fact that there were like 12 or 13 lavs that wrapped around the back of the plane, not sure why I remember that).