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Kool aid

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Uhh... You forgot, OH YEAH!! But i must admit, and no offense to you Wally, but i like it when 10nClr does it ;-).

As do I. I'm not here to do his dirty work...just pointing out the basic facts that all Kool-Aid drinkers should know by heart.

You will never get an "Ohhhh, Yeeeaaahh!" in wild colored lettering out of me...that's just not my place. :)
I ve had the pleasure of talking to some shuttle pilots in the last couple of weeks while i commute and non rev around.
wow...talk about kool aid drinkers. Seem to have quite the chip on the shoulders...If there is an airline we should all quit and run to and beg for jobs its Shuttle and Republic.
Besides they fly real airplanes. One pilot even told me i should quit my job and apply to shuttle asap!
its the airline of tomorrow. It seems now that shuttle wants to put in a bid and buy skywest and eagle.
Asked one pilot about the 170 and got the low down...its not a regional, ITS MAINLINE...
better pilots, best pay, best airline in the world.
most were ex flight instructors and this is their first turbine job. I understand there is some loyalty when you get on with a company but these guys actually seem to look down to other pilots
This is a stupid thread and your an idiot!!!! :puke: Did it occur to you that perhaps he was feeding you a line of crap to be facetious just to get a reaction out of you?:rolleyes:
Want some Kool-Aid?

Peanut, bring us
two glasses of Kool-Aid.

-There ain't no more.
-Make some.


-Grape or red?
This is a stupid thread and your an idiot!!!! :puke: Did it occur to you that perhaps he was feeding you a line of crap to be facetious just to get a reaction out of you?:rolleyes:

just quit already or die...whatever.
No reaction...i just smiled cause i don't care.
leaving the RJ's soon and you idiots can point the fingers and play these boring games.
good luck to all , but to those idiots on this site that bring down the morale and pleasure from this job, please get hit by a car or something.
I always wonder where these things come from. I work with Shuttle crews 3-4 days a week and have never seen this attitude.

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