Publishers said:Let's see, you want to show up and only pay for the companies that you want. That's a novel concept. It is pretty much assumed that the indviduals that go to these are there for one or two employers. In all the ones I have been to, Air Inc or others, I never heard one pilot prospect say,,,, you know it hurt my chances meeting that recruiter.
Secondly, if you saw the garbage that comes in here in the way of resume's or the lack of ability to speak intelligently, or, the applications that show one was not even qualified for what they were applying for, you would know that the world needs the Kit's, Resume Writers, and all the other help you can find.
You can pick up up a couple of books that would help you format a resume and do well on an interview, all under $50 as opposed to paying $200!
They are blood sucking loosers. The only good thing that comes out of Air Inc is their monthly magazine and hiring news letter.