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King Air PIC or Lear SIC

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2002
I will be upgrading shortly to captain at my company flying a King air 200 and a 90. I have a job offer for a Lear SIC position with a different company. I am leaning toward the King air PIC position... what would you do? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you
Take The Upgrade, Trust Me!!
Would the King Air be your 1st turbine PIC position? Does this compnay also have jets? Depending on your final career destination choice I'd say go with the PIC. SIC in a Lear or King Air is still SIC. But once you start signing for the a/c and you are "The Guy" that's when the airlines and fractionals start to check out your quals.

Good luck & congrats on the multiple offers!!

What about the lifestyle for yourself? Location, time off etc.. It' not all about the flying as after awhile it becomes a job, the best job in life, but still a job.

PIC PIC PIC PIC without question. More options that way. Looks better on a resume, better pay.
1) The King Air gig is a known. Do you like it there? If so, STAY!
2) How long to upgrade in the Lear, and would you meet all the companies experience requirements?
3) Turbine PIC is Turbine PIC (King Air or Lear) - yes I understand that some companies want toi see Jet time only, but most require turbine PIC.

Besides, the King Air has more room in the cockpit than the Lears
http://forums.flightinfo.com/images/icons/icon10.gif. Best of Luck!!
with 1700 hours, definitly the KA PIC. I would imagine you'd be looking at at least another 1500 to 2000 hours before you'd be eligible to upgrade in the Lear (depending on type i guess). And I would think that 1500 or 2000 hours Turbine PIC would be much better than 1500 SIC in a Lear, depending on your goals.

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