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King Air Hourly Pay

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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2005
What is reasonable hourly pay for right seat in a King Air? I would get paid one rate the entire time (flying or waiting). I am not on the 135 certificate, and an SIC is not required per op specs or insurance. I am just there to look the part for the Pax when the company is short pilots. Thanks.
Not to be cynical, but I would not expect much if you are there to "look the part."

Sounds like dirt bag operation .... sorry. Also, could be a crime for mis-representing themselves. If the customer is paying for 2 pilots he/she should be be getting 2 qualified pilots.
$200 per day, plus expenses, for right seat B200 in CHS. A little less if full-time, annual salary of $25K. Your mileage may vary.
sounds about right to me but I would want to be more than looking the part and work towards making Capt
What? You can actually be PAID... to sit right seat?

I thought most dirt-bag ops COLLECTED... from you... to sit right seat.

jk {;/


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