· King Hussein Obama, great leader of the United States of illegal Aliens, leader of the food stamp nation, born in Kenya, visitor of 57 U.S. states, leader of corpsmen, supporter of homosexuals, non-believer in Christianity, defender of Eric Withholder, and mastermind of taxing the lower/middle class if they don’t go buy health insurance. She is one of the biggest racists in America. This coming from the woman who a couple years ago said she is ashamed to be an American.
If your post is your reality, I truly feel sorry for you.
The political debate in this country is no different now than in the past. Personally I see pros and cons coming from the left and the right and proudly vote for whoever I want regardless of their party affiliation, although I tend to lean to the left (no small part because of people like you on the right) I do understand the need to keep taxes low, spending in check and yes I get just as frustrated with welfare scammers as I do with CEO's getting huge bonus's and tax breaks at the expense of the middle class.
Your ilk however, seems to think name calling and paranoid little lies is what passes for political debate. You get your "facts" from Glen Beck?