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minitour said:
ah you met the 43 year old man masquerading as a 15 year old girl? :D

Where's that link...the "how internet is different" one...someone got it?
it SOOOOOO goes here


I'm pretty sure that's a Red vs Blue service bulletin....my roomate probably has it on his computer, but I'm tucked up in bed with the laptop, and don't feel like going and looking for it. Funny $hit though! If you guys haven't seen any of the Red vs Blue seasons you should. They're hilarious!
Ok, I'm in bed with my laptop too and upon aileron girl's request I am joining the conversation, although I have no **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**ing clue what you guys are talking about. But that's ok, cus I had 3 beers :D

Ailerongirl said:
What question??

Oh...you know how they always say, "there's no such thing as a stupid question"??

Yeah, I proved that one wrong tonight :rolleyes:

Luckily I deleted the question before anyone saw it, but peeps on the hizzy were bustin my nuts about posting it...I guess they wanted to make fun of me.

So LeadSled said either I post it or he makes one up haha...so I did.

It's in the "An ILS" thread...stupid question...time for another yum-yum

minitour said:
suuuuuuuuuure you were ;)

for those of you that were badgering me earlier but haven't left this thread in the past three hours..."the question" is posted...kinda

Hey mini, why don't you post the question here, i read the other thread and couldn't put it together, I'm sure that after all this beers (and whatever everyone is drinking) the question will seem very interesting!
User997 said:
i'm up to 5 rum (the mexican kind) and cokes buddy... and i'm begining to think i have no clue either!

Awesome, I do need a chillin buddy!! I'm back from a 4 days trip, I really could have some rhum; from zimbawe or Chile I couldn't care less....yeahhh!!!


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