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Just dumb interview questions

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I heard the other day of an applicant answering the question, Tell me about a dangerous situation you have had. They answered...well we were in a hurry for a trip and so we forgot to check the weather, when we got to dest. the weather was below mins. We missed 3 times, the dangerous part is that after the third try we noticed that we were very low on fuel and could not make the alternate. We had to make it on the 4th attempt and we just barely did..."Thanks for applying sir,....."
How about this?

Answers to some straight-forward questions I've heard at the interview table:

Q: What might people say is your worst trait?
A: I lie in interviews. [given in an Eric Idle, Monty Python accent]

Q: What was your worst experience as a pilot?
A: I got jerked-around pretty bad by the Pilot Desk at ____ over Thanksgiving.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 10-years?
A: Right here...flying for Northwest. Or maybe at Delta. I haven't decided.

Q: Do you know the pilot bases for Northwest?
A: Honolulu and Seattle are the only two I care about. I'll commute before I'll live in any of those others.

Q: How many fixed-wing hours do you have? [He was a helo guy in the Navy]
A: All of them.
Q: How many helicopter hours do you have then?
A: The rest of them.
Q: I'm trying to get a break-down. What percentage of your total time is in fixed wing aircraft?
A: [Louder and slower] All...of...them...!

Q: Have you interviewed anywhere else?
A: Not that I'm willing to discuss.

Those are just the ones I've witnessed. I've heard some real whoppers from the regular interviewers back then.
" I lie during interviews" that is classic! please tell me you hired him?
I heard the other day of an applicant answering the question, Tell me about a dangerous situation you have had. They answered...well we were in a hurry for a trip and so we forgot to check the weather, when we got to dest. the weather was below mins. We missed 3 times, the dangerous part is that after the third try we noticed that we were very low on fuel and could not make the alternate. We had to make it on the 4th attempt and we just barely did..."Thanks for applying sir,....."

Geeez... I got a good chuckle out of that one. If only it were true.....or is it? :eek: Scary to say the least.

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